Sahabat Steemit...
Taukah anda ? Banyak fakta dan mitos tentang bunga Lili ???
Diantaranya yaitu :
- Sudah dikenal sejak Yunani Kuno
- Tumbuh dari air susu Hera (istri dewa Zeus)
- sibul kemurnian dan kelimpahan (Yunani kuno)
- Simbol kesuburan dan kelahiran kembali (Mesir kuno)
- Simbol pesona keberuntungan (Tionghoa)
- Simbol kematian atau pemakaman
- Bunga favorit bagi pengantin wanita
Berikut beberapa foto bunga Lili di halaman rumah kami. Diantaranya ada yang ganjil, yaitu bentuknya seperti Ular.
Best Friends of Steemit ... Do you know? Many facts and myths about flowers ** Lilies ** ??? Among them are: * It has been known since Ancient Greece * Growing from the milk of Hera (wife of the god Zeus) * sibul purity and abundance (ancient Greece) * The symbol of fertility and rebirth (ancient Egypt) * The symbol of auspicious charm (Chinese) * The symbol of death or burial * Favorite flower for the bride Here are some photos of Lilies on our home page. Among them are odd, they are like snakes.
Jika sahabat Steemit memiliki fakta dan mitos lainnya, mohon di isi di kolom komentar ya ....
If Steemit's friends have other facts and myths, please fill them in the comment field.