Industrialization of Indonesia

Industrialization in Indonesia grew rapidly in the 1970s
during the New Order government. Although industrialization takes place
in that year, this did not mean in Dutch times and
Old Order government no manufacturing industry developed.
In the Dutch era rapidly because the colonial government did not
develop it. The colonial government was more than profitable
the development of the spice-trading world; in the days of the Old Order
such industries are not developed because of the era of government
develop because his political attitude is anti-capitalism and
colonialism and the government of anti-foreign capital.
The development of industrialization during the New Order reiterated
development of the dualism of agricultural systems in Indonesia at the time
colonial government. HJ Boeke once said it sure is there
dualism of the development of the economic system built on the basis
agriculture. First a modern farming system with a plantation model and
agro-industries such as sugar industry and traditional farming systems
done by the village farmers in general where both never related. Modern agriculture running alone is farming
traditional walk alone. On the one hand the modern farm is below
Traditional foreign capital is the property of ordinary people.
The development of industry during the New Order period was dualistic
nothing to do at all. new manufacturing industries
large with the development of foreign or joint capital,
while on the other side is the traditional industry in which both
often has nothing to do at all. the real example is us
has an aircraft industry but we also have an industry
Steel casting has traditionally grown for hundreds of years then / certainly this does not mean entirely to link industry the industry, at least how to think about the industry
the work done by natives in developing in line with
the development of industrialization in Indonesia.
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