The Greatest Redistribution Of Wealth

in #inequality7 years ago

In 2014 - 85 Of the Richest people owned more wealth than 50% or 3.5 Billion People in the world (Oxfam)
In 2016 - 62 Of the Richest people owned more wealth than 50% or 3.5 Billion People in the world (Oxfam)
In 2017 - 8 Of the Richest people owned more wealth than 50% or 3.5 Billion People in the world (Oxfam)

Quantitative Easing, taxes, income disparity, and social entitlements are four major means by which wealth is transferred from the poor and the middle class to the rich. From 2008 to present will be known as the greatest redistribution of wealth to have taken place on Planet Earth from the poor and middle class to the hands of the Rich.

During the "good times" (Circa 2000 - 2007) Everyone was getting loans, even if you worked a part time job at a fast food chain you were able to walk into a bank / lending institution and voila like magic you were handed a mortgage, in fact in recent revelations if you were from a disadvantaged background or a minority you were handed a mortgage with a higher interest rate and a larger amount to pay back than a regular customer.

Banks then used all this money from these loans to bet and invest to make more money, they were literally handing out loans to everyone who wanted one.

When the banks lots their bets, people lots their jobs couldn't pay back their higher mortgages so started defaulting on their loans. The banks got a slap on the wrist and were bailed out and given billion upon billions of taxpayers money to keep the banks alive. The banks literally robbed everyone and were treated with free money.

Those same unsuspecting minorities were now to blame for the banks mess ups and were told they would have to pay for the banks mistakes through their taxes and things like education healthcare etc.

Since then every year the banks continue to get billion of dollars worth of money for free through a clever concept called quantitative easing and low interest rates basically banks are able to borrow for free from the federal reserve or centralized authority as we know as the central bank.

The rest of us or the remaining 99% of the population do not get these favourable interest rates or free money as I like to call it. Only the largest banks and corporations are allowed these 0% interest rates while the rest of the population still have to pay 4/5% on the loans the takes out.

How do they get away with that? Or how do they get that free money? Well they print it out of thin air - they have kept printing trillions since 2008. Keeping it all in the hands of a minority few people circuiting around their merry go round system. While the rest of the population have been told to shut up take the lower paid jobs the higher taxes less welfare etc.

The whole population is being robbed on a grand scale on a daily basis without having any idea that it is being done so. When you can't see yourself being robbed your not being robbed right? It's brilliant from the banks and the large corporate execs point of view they continue to get free money throw at them and if they make a wrong bet or lose money they will just get the rest of the population to pay the bill. Classic democracy right?