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RE: 413 missing children got killed in the Netherlands

in #infanticidelast year

Official documentation from the central government shows that 413 children of victims of the benefits affair have died, 314 of whom are between 0 and 5 years old. This news has caused quite a stir in political circles and society at large.

After a check, because I couldn't believe it, it really is in official documentation from the central government; how on earth is it possible that 413 (!) children of the victims of the #surcharge affair, of which 314 (!) between the ages of 0 and 5, have died? #413kids

— Annelies (@annstrikje) May 8, 2023
The documentation does not clarify the time frame in which these deaths occurred. It is also not clear how many children are involved in relation to the total number of victims. However, it is a disturbing number, and it has therefore led to calls for parliamentary questions and journalistic research.

The benefits affair came to light when the Tax and Customs Administration wrongly reclaimed childcare benefits from parents for years, which led to major financial problems and sometimes even to forced placement of children. This documentation confirms the suspicion that the affair has had far-reaching consequences, not only for the financial situation of the victims, but also for their personal lives and the lives of their children.

It is expected that various political parties will ask parliamentary questions about this in response to this revelation. This should lead to an in-depth investigation into the circumstances that led to the deaths of these children. We hope that this matter will soon be clarified and that appropriate measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence in the future. The drama surrounding the surcharge affair seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

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