Inflammation from toxic chemicals!

in #inflammation7 years ago (edited)

IMG_1109.JPGToxins in your everyday essentials do cause inflammation😕

🔥Got a flare that just seems to keep on truckin’? Is your child continually suffering from allergies, disease flares or illness? Inflammation is likely the culprit. Inflammation is our body’s way of putting up the fight and protecting itself from invaders. However, for some of us it just can’t stop itself from the attack. It just keeps going on and on. Some of us it’s hair triggers in life that aggravate conditions.

🤔How Can We Reduce Inflammation?
We do need inflammation to help us control foreign invaders. However, we want to keep it to a minimum for those of us with autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders. We can make a few simple changes to reduce inflammatory agents our body is coming into contact with.

Product Chemicals that Cause Irritation & Inflammation

Ever used a soap or hand product and noticed skin irritation? That’s probably some inflammation. Rash… inflammation. Not good. Chemicals in modern products can cause increased inflammatory response and irritation. Any type of skin irritation can lead to a body response of inflammation.

🌿Reduce Inflammation through toxin free Products🌿

😕it only takes 26 seconds for toxin to get in you bloodstream once it has come in contact with your skin😳

✋🏻Hand & Body Soap
Start by looking at your hand and body soap. If there are chemicals you can’t pronounce there’s a good chance they could be causing irritation and inflammation🤦🏼‍♀️

What should you do then? What can you buy? Just ask😊

👚Laundry Detergent
Think about it. Your skin is touching your clothes all day and all night long. Your skin is exposed to any residue or chemicals left behind in your detergent. Commercial brands, even the “free and clear,” still have chemicals that can cause skin irritation.

🌿Greener Products for Less Inflammation🌿

👩🏼‍🔬Cleaning Agents
Just like you sit in your clothes all day if you come into contact with surfaces in your home you are exposed to chemicals. Counter cleaners, toilet cleaners, sink cleaners, shower and more all have harsh chemicals that can cause skin irritation. They can also cause irritation in the nasal passageway and more!

Body Products – Toothpaste, Mouthwash, lotions, Deodorant
Not only is our skin affected by products, but we use a lot of products internally that can cause irritation and inflammation.

🌿Reduce Inflammation Through Greener Products🌿

😁Toothpaste & Mouthwash
If your disease, or your loved ones, comes with mouth sores you know just how debilitating these can be. Commercial toothpaste brands contain cleaning agents that are difficult for dry or sensitive mouths. Healing time on sores can slow or the amount of sores can actually increase if you aren’t using the right products.

Deodorant is filled with all types of chemicals. They are applied to an area of your body that is meant to be a cleaning and filtration system. They plug it up backing up all the sweat and germs that should be exiting your body.

😌With using toxin free I actually sweat less! That’s right less! I firmly believe reducing those chemicals helped.

These are just a few chemicals you can switch out in your home for safer products. All of these commercial items have chemicals that are known to cause health issues. If you want to create a safer environment for your body you have to start by what you put in and on it.