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RE: Spending more money we don't have won't solve the debt crisis!

Here I've seen prices of food double since 2020, and some foods are triple the prices from then. My vehicle insurance has more than doubled. Most prices are twice what they were just 4 years ago. Rather than getting better, I'm expecting it to get a lot worse. Theouterlight reports the average home price in NZ is now ~$1M, and a kilo of ground beef is ~$27. I don't think it's done getting worse there either, but it's already much worse there than it is here. My gambit has been to avoid money insofar as I could arrange it, so a variety of expenses I would otherwise pay in cash are agreed to be exchanged for particular services. This effectively keeps my return for my services at parity with inflation, which is serving me well.

The effect of inflation is to concentrate fiat in the walled gardens of the inflators of currencies, the usual suspects, and to rapidly shrink the value of the services and wages of honest folks. We are amidst the most dramatic transfer of wealth from those with the least of it to those with the most of it that has ever occurred in history. It will take folks seizing means of production and eschewing fiat to the degree possible to be able to afford such goods as they manufacture, and this definitely includes food. I hope your efforts in that regard continue to serve you well, and that your health and happiness increase and improve going forward.
