Secrets of Influence: Start with Skills!

in #influence7 years ago (edited)

Secrets of Influence Start with Skills.png

How do we level up our influence?

Exploring the valuable skills we each have helps a lot because we can teach what we know and immediately begin helping others. My business consistently struggled online until I started focusing on creating videos showing solutions to the most challenging problems I had faced in my life from being an entrepreneur with no startup capital to my personal struggles with alcoholism and video games. If we want to grow our powers of persuasion, the secret is to start with teaching because all of us have solved problems that others are still struggling with.

Where do we discover people?

  1. Word of mouth recommendations from friends and followers. I discovered Steem via @robertgenito who invited me to sign up and promised I would thank him later.
  2. Searching for help with problems. When I grew frustrated with my lighting setup recently, I did a lot of Goolging and shopping to help me find the answer. In the process I discovered many new sellers and blogs.
  3. Advertising. Most of our wants and desires are nearly completely programmed by companies spending money to influence us into wanting their products.

Teaching opens all possibilities!

As we share what we know how to do and love doing, we open ourselves to being involved in all three of the primary discovery methods. In 2013, I uploaded a Facebook advertising tutorial on YouTube which brought in thousands of viewers searching for help with Facebook ads. Those viewers made word of mouth recommendations which then triggered YouTube to show my video in suggested videos (free advertising).

Hear the full story!

Would you watch the video on YouTube to hear the full story because combining the reading with the video is likely to inspire action in giving our best and the unbelievable results that flow from there? I tried to upload it on DTube but it was not working today!

Jerry Banfield

There are 3 pages

Everyone wants wealth and success, but very few are willing to work hard to achieve them. By work hard too, I do not mean digging holes.

People need to work hard on developing skills that other people highly value. Become a residential security expert as I have done or a private investigator as just two examples of thousands.

Those things are what I'm passionate about, so that is why I pursued them as skill sets. What are your passions, and what are you doing to improve your knowledge and skills related to them?

Another way to look at it is what I tell my children. I tell them to do what 95% of other people either do not want to do or cannot do. If you stick to something within that rare 5%, you are almost guaranteed to be successful.

Also, follow my motto, and stop wasting your time in life. My motto is, "Stop playing or watching the part of a hero, and be one instead." In other words, stop being entertained by circuses (TV, games, etc.) and get to work instead.

Time is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely. Stop wasting it!

I also tell my children to learn a STEM profession, a trade, and at least one additional language. That's another easy way to understand the path to success. If you do those things, you are again almost guaranteed to be successful.


People need to work hard on developing skills that other people highly value.


Time is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely. Stop wasting it!

Right on!

Success keep friends I love steemit

Everything you say is agreeable, but I would add that being success oriented in life cannot be the only driver and that by doing that we miss other important steps in our personal development. There has to be a time for doing something that is NOT useful, for staring at the beautiful things in the world, for thinking, for playing an instrument - not just because you're entertaining someone or showing your skills but just because you enjoy it - for learning ancient Greek, time for loosing time, for listening. Don't misunderstand me, I agree with what you wrote, especially, if someone has a dream - and everyone has - we need to stop finding excuses and just pursue it. But sometimes the beauty of being human lies in our capability to just question the skies, and not in giving answers.

Well said. I especially like:

I also tell my children to learn a STEM profession, a trade, and at least one additional language.

Thank you!

That is the truth, it doesn't have to be complicated, just has to be done. Step step step, repeat.

Very beautiful advice. Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you and followed. :)

Thank you for your support :)

Goog help, bro!
You always give motivation to me!!! Thank you.

Hey I just dug a drainage ditch which added value! :)

Seriously though, agreed. Learning another language definitely broadened my thoughts. And each new language after that is even easier!

I should really stop using that example. haha You can dig for gold and oil too. That's pretty profitable!

In the Army we would joke about being ordered to dig a hole, and then we would be ordered to fill it. Fun times!

Yeah my dad also served, and told me that when a superior officer says something like, "That lawn looks like it could use a mow" -- that it's a direct order! :)

Thank you for the uplifting advice based on your experiences online . I have been meaning to watch your YouTube videos but kept putting them off because I've been too busy but I am glad I started with this one as it has been very motivational and more than anything, convincing. Five years ago I wanted to start a business online. I was inspired by many of the courses that I had taken online for free. I had my own ideas on how I was going to deliver this courses but this meant that I needed to become more comfortable with different software devices to make them attractive and interactive. Is a perfectionist and as a teacher I wanted to deliver amazing content from the beginning but the time-consuming aspect of learning and focusing so much on the aspects that I lacked such as knowledge of software and web design eventually lead me to never starting the project at all. Today I find myself at the same point as I was five years ago. Unable to give up my desire to deliver the skills and teaching content that I am passionate about, I have ended up in rolling for a Masters program in Teaching. I find myself dealing with the double task of further developing my teaching skills and at the same time wishing to pursue the online project I had in mind. I have been on steemit user now for nearly 3 months but have found it very hard to write about something that is not happening to me at the present moment. In my thirst to write with authenticity, I failed to find a topic to write about and now after watching your video it had finally occurred to me that I should be writing about teaching , that perhaps this is the best platform in which I could deliver the content that I had in mind without the special effects of course. Now it is just a matter of finding the time to create and post . Thank you Jerry for the lightbulb moment and for finally helping me find the focus of what I would like to deliver.

You're welcome Ana! I loved hearing how you reacted to the video because that is what inspires me to keep making more!

I realise now how important it is just TO START and post my content and ideas out there first. As you mention there, your audience will provide the feedback from which we learn to improve those videos and it may lead to a business idea. I also realise that the inspiration to continue will naturally reveal itself and that I don't have to have everything perfectly planned and laid out.

Success keep friends I love steemit

That's great! I have found that while gardening, I see things and take pictures that others appreciate. (It might help that I've invested into my Steemit account, and tend to upvote everyone who comments -- I'm not sure, I don't have a control in this experiment...)

Good luck to you!

I found that the key to success here on STEEM was drawing whale testicles on MS-paint... Not sure that method works for all though. :D

A friend showed me a video of the eclipse the other day. Unfortunately it was not the moon blocking the sun but rather his testicles.

Success keep friends I love steemit

Did the whale in Moby Dick have testicles? Or am I just nuts? 😋

Whales have testicles? I didn't know that. Thanks :)

Male ones have, for sure, they even have boobs, they are mamals ;)

yeah whales have testicles. they only let it out when they wanna prevent their body from drifting due to water current. You know.. just like anchor.

Teaching others is a very difficult thing, yet very rewarding if you do it properly.

Yes it is both I totally agree @cryptoeera great comment!

Great , great , great advice .... I´m trying to star blogging and the insecurity and the weight of it (total delutional) it frustrates me. I have a bunch odf posts semi-done, and doing the final effort to finish them and posting them fills like an abbys .... I will post.... very SOON

WOOW that is really helpful, and It gives an Idea that everyone can reach what they want.
I hope everybody will listen carefully to the video and benifit from it. because it tells a lot.
ask Jerry how long he struggled in online business and He might never thought he would be who he is today. but he did not gave up, He kept learning and practicing and this is what everybody needs to do.

If you're uncomfortable with yourself it's hard for others to be comfortable with ya.

Don't wait. Post.

This is a process of constant learning. Do it and do it consistently.

You writing "don't wait" reminds me of the supposed five second rule too. People need to decide what to do and then do it quickly to avoid hesitation and your mind being changed.

Time for your daily exercise? Do it right away without giving yourself a chance to procrastinate. It's amazing how easily we can talk ourselves out of doing work. haha

I almost replied to this right after reading it..... then I thought for a moment.....

Completely true. If you think of something, like doing ana exercise, then act on it immediately.

But it is so much easier to let the moment pass.

This do it thing is an exercise in personal freedom. Freedom as in you do things when you want them to be done and not when the circumstances and external events force them into doing them. Or not doing them :)


Thanks! I've followed you back too. :)

Totally agree. I do that all the time with exercise. LOL

I am honored by your mention :) I didn't expect it!! I am also so grateful of you Jerry. And wow man, you are looking younger and younger! You must still be eating vegan...and congrats with that :) Btw I love this video format. It is very intimate, just like a heart-to-heart talk should be :) I'm going to continue enjoying this :D

Take care Jerry! You're a great person, and it is so good that this world has people like yourself to be a good influence, a good example, and darn...I sure miss you! :)

Edit: great video. We are all so talented...and we will all influence each other! I'm glad that you are inspiring others to influence others :)

@robertgenito thank you for bringing me into the crypto world especially into Steem!

Jerry, you're sweet and genuine. Thank you for this <3 I am a professional recording artist and I have a unique method of writing a song for people who don't play instruments but want to practice writing songs. Now I know what to do. Resteeming.

Smashed it Jerry!

Great post Jerry! I always think of the late, great Jim Rohn when thinking of skills. "What is a skill? Something you can learn. The more skills you learn, the more valuable you become." It as simple as that. To learn a new skill, we have allow ourselves to become uncomfortable in doing something we've never done before, but in the end, we grow immensely and become more valuable.

@orionschariot thank you very much for explaining the value of being uncomfortable here and voting on me as a witness at today!

When we are growing up we are taught that the degree is required to learn and make money and When we enter into the professional life we come to learn that it is the skills that matters the most. Not all universities are excellent or good there are many universities passing the students without any skills. When they start looking for a job, there is nothing for them. So i encourage everyone to learn some skills along with the degrees. Degrees are important but more important are the skills.

Thank you @jerrybanfield for this post!


@jerrybanfield, this is short and neat. I will watch the video in a bit. Somehow we are all problem solvers. Just put your mind into it

wow this is great.

This is why I offer open-source business ideas in my Whitepaper Entrepreneur series. You might think this is crazy, giving away business ideas. I share these ideas on Steemit because the people here have skills and interest. Many people are interested in starting a business or just conceptualizing this stuff. I believe that the more we practice, the better we get and business is no different. Great video, Jerry!

Hello @jerrybanfield first of all i would like to say thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to earn money online. I'm a overseas filipino worker here in kuwait and its my 1st time here in steemit. I've watched most of your video in facebook and you've really got my attention. I'm still learning though just by following you and by luck i'm hoping to earn some extra money to support my family and siblings. May God bless you more wisdom so you can continue to share it to other people. thank you again.

Welcome to Steemit @philcaraig

Good to have you here. Try to connect with people who share your interests and passions. It really is about the community and being social more than the rewards... the rewards are a great bonus, though!

I hope you do well here and meet lots of great people.

thank you very much @matthewdavid is it alright to follow you. im usually on facebook but when i saw @jerrybanfield videos saying "why always posting on facebook or twitter or instagram when you get nothing at all" we are all paying internet to communicate and express our thoughts yet we dont get anything in return. haha..

No problem @philcaraig - Feel free to follow if you are interested in the posts I share. Good to connect with you.

thx for sharing

Hustle and Grind So Hard more than the "average" person while developing skills is the way to build a massive following... also being positive :)

Thanks @jerrybanfield... just read the post but now I'm watching the video while typing this haha

Yes Jerry, learning skills and sharing your knowledge and experience is the way forward!

Hi Jerry. How do you balance sharing and teaching what you know, with what the theme of your online presence is about? Because, not all of what we know and can teach is worth sharing, or even relevant. What are your thoughts?

I disagree. I think the point of the video was that we each have skills that someone in this world will find worth learning and that the sharing of these skills helps us develop ourselves and influence each other. I think there is a level of interconnectedness that we had never experienced in this world before which we are able to due to the the web and thus not only creates the prospect of a wider audience but provides the opportunity for us to also seek to learn from what others have to offer.

Awesome Article man. I love reading your posts on here!

I love everything you do! I will continue to support as best as I can!! Thank you!

Supporting another's success won't ever dampen yours.

Hello Jerry,
Thank you for this.
I took your course and i want to say that its the best way to learn all about steem and get started. i really appreciate it and i think whoever wants to start on steem should take it too.
hope we can work together on future projects, i have something in mind that i would love to propose to you.


Hi @jerrybanfield, for good video making channels on YouTube I go with The Basic Filmmaker for most things and Curtis Judd for sound and lighting.

Thanks @jerrybanfield for this helpful advice! By the way, I am new here and I learned about this fantastic social media from you. Your videos have really helped me to better understand steemit. Thanks a lot! And hey you have resemblance with Jim Parsons, I love his character as Sheldon Cooper in BBT.

This is very inspirational @jerrybanfield thanks and wishing you the best. This is my first day on steemit and hope we share a great community together on steem.

Great video :), I had a similar experience when i started my company.
Our Brand MipMed grew from from 30 orders a month to 250 in one year :)

Very well said! @jerrybanfield. Teaching others and sharing the knowledge we have is not that easy however if we manage to do it well with interest and patience, we will succeed. Furthermore, teaching is something that only those who are willing can survive doing it and do it with passion. As what i have noticed " teaching is same as influencing "

Upvote for this post! :) by @rejzons

one crypto question I would like answered by someone.
Will the ENS (ethereum name service) ever catch traction and have a demand for the ens domains?

Great practical message @jerrybanfield
Here's a great addition to this theme -

Much ♥,

wao! thats really nice.... u get my upvote and follow.... if u get read my articles....

nice post @ jerrybanfield

Another awesome post. I have been struggling myself with what I should focus on for my Steemit adventure and to gain a following. I have always been a writer, but video demand is booming and sometimes we have to break out of our comfort zone to find our paths.

Very interesting, Good Job @jerrybanfield, excellent post, Cheers! PD. great video, upvote and resteem

Jerry, im hearing that DTube is having issues with file sizes (I have not confirmed it myself) If you can't upload, that's a problem. Hope it gets worked out.

excelentes secretos.

Great video, Jerry!

Dear this is a Good post & Remember Supporting another's success won't ever dampen yours.

Learn, Do, Teach

I am presently struggling with my farm business and i could use s little advice

What food do you grow? Who currently buys your products?

I leave in Nigeria and i am still a local farmer.. So far i grow vegetables.. I also grow corn but the season for corn is gone just little ones
remaining in the farm. They will get dry and be processed into powdery form. It is also another type of food here.. We take the maize and the water leaf to a local market and sell... So mostly people within my community buy them..i also run a pig farm on a larger scale.. Fell free to visit my wall

Figuring out what you make the most on is important. If you can sell vegetables directly to people you know, that may be a good profit margin. My guess is that the pigs are not as profitable as you'd like them to be.

Cost of feeding is high

Figure how how much feed cost it takes to finish a pig. Subtract that from what you can sell it for. Then divide the "profit" by the estimated hours you put it. My guess is the pigs may be giving you a poor amount for the number of hours you put in.

I have the figures already. A little more capital is all i need

ohh great

Another great informative post. Thanks for sharing with all of us!

Great insight as always . Much TY Jerry .

You are such an inspiration for me to get in this community. Your help is unbound, keep going and be with us. Teach us something new always.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you for pointing out people on the right direction and constantly helping everyone. I happen to have a severe gaming addiction and have had it all my life and I had no idea you did so as well. I'll try to listen to your tips and help people the way you do with what I can :)

There are 3 pages