Oh! I see. And I understand what you are looking for.
Well, since due to my current slowass bad internet connection, now and from long time ago, I can't avoid having to take that extra step to be able to listen the music whether it be from the embedded player of Youtube or Soundcloud within steemit's UI.
However, I'm pretty aware that you could save you that extra step and play the music right away from the UI if you simply have a half decent speedier connection. ;)
But thanks for the suggestion :)
My pleasure! My suggestion is just to offer an unknown and brand new unsuspected perspective for those who never have had and enjoyed a darn sluggish internet connection. Hahahaha };)
Hahaha, if only! It really does seem as though Spotify embeds aren't a "thing" on steemit or steempeak yet so I'll have to grin and bear it for the time being, quietly grinding my teeth with impatience 🤣
And yes, I am fully aware of sluggish internet and I'll never take 4G for granted ever again! I feel for you man, that was an unexpected perspective for sure LOL!
Haha well, at least at the moment, we can embed Vimeo's stuff too. };)
Haha we're slowly but surely getting there!