Uses and Benefits of Curry Leaves or Sweet Neem

in #information7 years ago

Kadhi leaf which is also known as sweet neem, is used in all types of food. Whether Indian kitchen or North India or South Indian, Kadhi leaves are used extensively. Considering the benefits of curry leaves, it is used in every kind of food. It is enough to tell the name of sweet neem its medicinal properties.
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@@@ Know the advantages, will not remove curry leaves

Kadhi leaves are widely used in vegetables and pulses. However, we often lift it off with hands and remove it from the food. You should avoid doing so. Several types of medicinal properties are hidden in Curry Leaves. It digests food easily.

@@@ What is its use - Curry Leaves Benefits Hindi - How to use Kadi Patta (especially for indian)

Use of straw leaves on nausea or dyspepsia is beneficial. Eat lemon in curry leaves and add some sugar to it and take it.

To remove obesity, Chew the leaves of Curry Leaves every day. This will definitely benefit.

The curry leaf is also very useful in enhancing our eyesight. Even it is effective in removing cataract-like illness.

If the hair is loose or white, then definitely eat curry leaves. If you do not like whole curry leaves, then make a powder by eating it in a meal and eat it.

If you eat diabetite patient curry leaves regularly for three months every morning,

it will be beneficial. If the cause of diabetes is obesity, then Kari Patta can cure obesity by removing obesity.

Not only the Kadi patta but also its root is also very useful. Those people who have pain in Kidney, if they drink juice, they will definitely benefit.

If the curry leaves are mixed with asafetida in the stomach, then it removes indigestion and helps in digesting food easily.

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@@@ Use the Curry Leaves to get the best hair

Kadhi Leaf contains many important nutrients which are special medicinal properties. Curry leaf is especially helpful in preventing hair from flapping and preventing them from becoming white. It gives power to hair follicles.
For any reason, consuming curry leaves is particularly useful when hair is white before time. Kadhi leaves contain vitamin B which strengthens hair roots and returns the natural color of hair.

@@@ Straw-dry hair treatment with curry leaf

The oil made from Kadi Patta is beneficial for returning the beauty of dry-dry and lifeless hair. Heat the coconut oil by adding some curry leaves. After cooling, apply it on the head for 5 minutes and after half an hour wash it with shampoo.

@@@ Mixture of curd and curry leaves

Grind curry leaves in a small quantity and grind it with curd. Wash this mixture after some time after putting it in your hair. Apart from this, consuming curry leaves in the daily diet also provides nutrition for hair.

@@@ Hair tonic made from curry leaves is very beneficial

Curry leaves can also make hair tonics for hair. To make it so boil the leaves so that they dissolve in water and beat the water color. Apply this tonic on your head for 15-20 minutes. Putting this hair tonic in the hair twice a week gives hair a lot of benefit.
Mixing Kari patta with neem and chikakai and applying it on the hair will remove all the hair problems of all kinds.

@@@ Why is it beneficial to curry leaves

People use kadhi leaves but are still unaware of the merits of Curry Leaves. Kadhi leaves contain plenty of nutrients called proteins and beta carotene. Both of these elements prevent hair from becoming thick and thin. Apart from this, amino acids and anti oxidants present in these leaves give strength to the hair. Also, Kadhi leaf is very useful in removing dandruff.


Wow. Were can i find curry leaf

Very Useful and informative post