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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 12 entry WATER and VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY

yes I have heard of these plant experiments too - I first read about them in the Autobiography of a Yogi actually - he met with J.C. Bose and wrote about it. It is fascinating, regardless of the legitimacy lol I have no dove deep enough into it to judge either way but it's stuff that gets added to my personal library in my head lol
check out the chapter where he talks to J.C. Bose here, if you're interested

thanks for that link - I'm going to check out that book ! It sounds very interesting :-D


I have bookmarked this website because there are lots of interesting information there :) I find it interesting that scientists can be some of the most narrow minded people when it is their professional duty to question things and not be following things blindly.

LOL I know, I feel the same exact way - the "scientific" world contains some of the biggest hypocrites out there... aside from those evangelist church/TV pastors.. hahaha