hey @wizarddave it looks like we're on the same wavelength (haha pun intended) I have seen a few articles on the water powered cars - but that is freakin awesome that you know a guy who got a chance to ride in the dune buggy and get to chat with Stan Meyer - and powering those cars and trucks is amazing! People like you should be the ones all over TV and radio getting attention - that is planet changing technology! BUT I guess that's the problem right? lol no one on top likes change :-[
And I have also read into Tesla a bit - I'm no expert but he was certainly a genius ahead of his time. I have seen/read quite a few of his frequency projects and experiments and you're right it really is fascinating!
So glad you enjoyed my post :)
If our universities spent time studying these types of technologies,
SERIOUSLY!! the answers are right in front of our faces but people are too busy on their cell phones to notice or distracted by "the News" lol
Universities are not the learning institutions that they used to be. Most of them are basically businesses that make money from certification and not education. The fact that people don't ask 'why' nearly as much as they used to is a pretty good sign of education becoming a place to go and learn what to do and not why you are doing something...
Absolutely true!
My wife is a licensed cosmetology instructor. (for beauticians)
So the exam doesn't involve cutting hair??? I heard something similar in Australia where they removed the apprenticeship from some of the trades like cooking and turned it into a course. So now there are people who have passed the exam but can't tell one vegetable from the other or figure out which spice is which :D
I have done a one-day barista course myself, and nothing teaches you how to make coffee like experience and enjoyment of the beverage, so if you get headaches from smelling coffee like me then nothing is really going to help you make a good cup of coffee :p
It's a multiple choice test.
But, they will likely learn more from the companies that sell those products, once they get out in the real world...
I went through a 4 year apprenticeship to become a journeyman lineman.
BTW I only drink about 2 pots of coffee a day...