I was asked this question so many times over the years, both online and offline. Sometimes it was cause I was being cute other times a smartass. Other times people knew, but still wondered. Being the smartass, well more than that a cheeky one too. The converversation goes like this.
Them: So where are you from then?
Jan: My mom.
You can see them look at you wierd thinking where's that. then they click, and go oh yea and giggle.
Jan: Ireland, I'm from Ireland
Them: Oh really, what part? I have Irish in me too. My great great great grandad's grandad was Irish on his mothers side, she came over here in, I can't remember now. she was from Ireland. So, you are from Ireland, What part?
Jan: All of me
To which you feel the look again, Look at them smile and say
Jan: All of me comes from Ireland, Arms legs body head organs we all came together.
The giggle comes again, I think they giggle cause they do not know what to say.
Jan: Dublin, Dublin Ireland.
Them: Our name was O'Connor back then. Cause my grandma, Married into dramdorf, from somehwere in Europe. so we are not Irish anymore.
. , o000(I think to myself if ye'r sayin' stuff like that, ye might ahve more Irish in ye den ye think.)
For the age, I am twice as good now as I was back half my life ago. Or, You are as young as the woman/man you feel.
50 here. I like to say 49 and 3/4 just to sound like a young kid.
Feckin' A Not sure if that's a saying in Ireland or not but something we say here in the U.S. but without the E.