Just like every Saturday I host a radio show on mspwaves.com. This show is called meme the news. It's a show about consipracy theories floating around the web. you're not required to believe them all. You're not required to shoot them all down. This show is more about taking a temperature and seeing what people are talking about than ramming programming down your throat. So, kick back, grab a beer, look out the window in fear of Covid, and come join us for a relaxing time describing the myriad of things trying to rob you, hurt you, and kill you.
Should be calming!
to participate join us in discord http://minnowpond.org and hop in the mspwaves listening channel with your buddies.
It takes forever to upload images... so it'll be slow, but hopefully they'll be up tonight. You can start with this one for the lulz.
Meme the News
Pretty cool one and it looks like the hornet bee is ready to bite.
The war between bees (Hive) and wasps (Steem) continues even if the bees have won the battle for the moment. Let's see whom will win the war in the end.
Nobody wins wars. Just casualties from both sides
This conspiracy give back my past thinking. So tiring of the negative vibes around! Let's relax our mind and have a postive smile and happy day...
Mont St. Michel is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. They sold switchblades there back in the '70s.
I like the wolf pack one. Because I like wolves.