No thanks to the transferring and sharing of the latest technologies by the US and other nations to Israel.
Posted using Partiko Android
No thanks to the transferring and sharing of the latest technologies by the US and other nations to Israel.
Posted using Partiko Android
Israel basically steals tech from the U.S and gives it to rival worldpowers such as Russia & China.

As Netanyahu once talked about sucking America dry and then throwing it away
After Israel is done with the technology transfers, the U.S & Islam would be the global scapegoat while Israel,Russia & China will rise from the ashes of the American Empire.
Israel would try to rebrand itself as the place filled with freedom,job opportunities & luxury.
There would be smart cities everywhere across the globe with cameras in every corner of every street.
The Palestinians would be the first to be pushed into these smart cities where they would be indirectly or forcibly sterilized.
Jewish Extremist Amitai Etzioni and Globalist Technocrat Parang Khanna are the 2 men pushing for this agenda.
Israel destabilized & destroyed Iraq,Libya & Syria because it had to crush Muslim resistance to Israel's Smart Cities agenda.
They intend to crush all forms of organized religion with their newfound surveillance State.
They would push for a war between Christianity & Islam as foretold by the infamous letter written by Freemason Albert Pike.