France is Sponsoring Terrorism in Syria - Syrian President Assad

in #informationwar5 years ago

In the latest interview with the French Paris Match Journal in a series of interviews with Western and other news outlets the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad lashed out at France's criminal role in Syria, its direct invasion alongside the US, its sponsorship of terrorist groups ahead of the USA, and in imposing European sanctions under the USA instructions.

Syrian President Bashar Assad Interview Paris Match - Damascus.jpg

'Occupation is not that different from terrorism,' the Syrian President explained to the western anti-Syria opinionated journalist, and 'France should return to international law', he adds making France, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council entrusted to uphold international law, as a pariah state.

This latest interview is a follow up from a previous one 6 years ago with the same French co-editor of the Paris Match, the period during which this journalist was high in his personal agenda against the Arab republic.

The French journalist seems to still push for the already exposed lies about the Douma chemical attack that never took place except as a staged movie stunt, as proven by the 3rd leak from within the OPCW itself so far, he also believes that ISIS came out of nowhere and not a creation of the US. He repeated the same question to the President the umpteen time about Syria's role in the alleged killing of ISIS's alleged head Baghdadi referring to Trump's thanking Syria for a role in the killing that Syria, among many, doubt any such thing happened in the first place, of course the President laughed at this repeated question from an obvious fool journo.

Many more topics including the sanctions, reconstruction, Chinese, Russian, and Iranian aid, the Kurdish desire to Israelize large lands of Syria, and others discussed in this quite interesting interview, you can read it in full: Assad to Paris Match: France Should Return to International Law

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France is Sponsoring Terrorism in Syria

Haven't they been doing that since Colonial days? 😎

Not only that, they also carry out terror. Did you know they tested nuclear bombs on living Algerians in the Algerian desert among their horrific crimes there?

Man, that is harsh.