If you're an educated Syrian or just any person who follows the news from multiple sources and not only brainwashed and bombarded by western mainstream media, you'd easily realize that ISIS and its ilk are never meant to fight Israel, although they declare that publicly, their goal is exactly the opposite. Let me explain.
A member of Quora's wiki Q & A social platform asked this logical question: Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel?
I'll copy my reply to him there here in order to preserve the answer from Quora's pro-Israel moderators and their censorship, and also to spread the knowledge, so here's what I replied:
You never bite the hands that feed you.
ISIS was established and managed to lure many simple-brained jihadists based on the myth of its goal to end the illegal Israeli occupation and instead of doing just that it is fighting everybody who is against the illegal Israeli occupation.
When ISIS’s affiliate Khalid Army was positioned in the Golan they had their back to the Israelis while fighting the Syrian Arab Army, their terrorists were treated in Israeli hospitals with a state of the art medical treatment which US citizens would dream of having for free, even though they paid for it.
Netanyahu, Mr. Security, visited ISIS terrorists in the hospital and bragged about supporting them:
Stupid Netanyahu fooled his people and dragged the region close to open war so he can win the elections and avoid prison
Former 2nd guy in Al-Qaeda and close acquaintance to Zawahri and Bin Laden in an interview on TV literally said: ISIS is the creation of the US to protect Israel. Now, I’m not sure what your mainstream media lies at you there, but this is no secret in the Levant and especially in Iraq..
Israel is the biggest beneficiary of ISIS, Nusra Front, and all the other terrorist groups under the FSA banner fighting against the Syrian, Lebanese, and Iraqis, instead of Israel committing the massacres it used to do (Qana 1, Qana 2, Der Yassin, Sabra and Shattila as few examples) and suffer in the international public opinion thus strengthening movements like the BDS, these voluntarily terrorists are committing this dirty work for it.
Israel on multiple occasions have interfered militarily to assist different Al-Qaeda groups in their fights against the Syrian Armed Forces. Israeli officials themselves said they have carried out attacks inside Syria over 200 times throughout the years of the Syrian crisis. One of the first targets of the US-sponsored ‘Peaceful Protesters’ aka ‘Freedom Fighters’ aka Al-Qaeda and FSA were the Syrian Air Defense battalions based in remote areas covering Syria’s southern borders protecting the country from Israeli (Read: US) air strikes. Air defense battalions comprise usually of 4 to 5 members, two of them are technicians, a driver, and two guards.. Can be easily overrun by 300 heavily armed terrorists, as in the case of the attacks against these units in the early days of the Syrian crisis.
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They don't even try and bother to hide their actions anymore. What's the point, as the mainstream media is never going to bother to report it anyway. How many more times do caches of US and Israeli weapons in the hands of Al cia da and Isis need to be found ?
Doesn't sound you actually read the article. But hey, nice Israel fantasy you have going on there. I think you are right in a sense though, in that of all the religious fanatical groups in the world, the Ashkenazi Zionists are the most dangerous, and nutty enough start a nuclear winter !