Stick your tongue out! OMG. Amazeballs(Can't resist a buzz-word). Well I wonder how close you get when you carry out your revolutionary act? From your sofa? The opposite side of the road? Or from the inside of a cage?
I am a Lawful Rebel and that means I have signed my allegiance to the Barons committee, not the government. I question police officers(face to face) I do what's called "lobby the Bobby" were I send lawful notices to police constables. I send similar lawful notices to anyone acting against me, my friends, or my family. I send money to other lawful rebels who face adversity while carrying out the more serious action of peaceful rebellion. I attend seminars and arrange local talks to spread the word about the corruption within our government and show folk how they can lawfully protect themselves.
So you see, I speak from experience. I live in this society and know very well that ANY kind of revolutionary acts are only allowed to go so far(Just ask those from Catalan). Once you get to a certain point, they abuse the law and assault and imprison you. That is fact and I don't think that you stand outside of this injustice(unless you are a copper?).
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you challenged or questioned your towns MP, or Police service? Or do you just stick to trying to belittle folk, by talking down to them?
Sorry for the late reply, been away camping :)
I have been thinking about this and I do see what you are saying. Your 1st sentence in the last reply was very true. I suppose I just don't have the belief in society and I fear the worst of what is to come. They are truly evil and seem to be pushing boundaries more and more, which we keep taking. I suppose neither of us have come up with a solution, just blunted points. How about we both suggest a brief solution to this topic, 1 each and go from there?