The fed has U.S. in perpetual servitude. It's literally impossible to pay them back.
And what's the point? You regurgitate the same nonsense that other fear mongering idiots do, as if we HAVE to pay them a penny, or as if they can call the shots, as if what? They'll stop running the mills? Are you that simple minded?
The only way to pay them back would be to borrow from them enough money to do so, and then we'd be in even more debt.
Indebt to who? You don't know what you're talking about. What can the fed do? Not shit that's what. You know who gives the orders? Not the fucking fed. O no, we owe the fed all this money. Because? Lol you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Keep regurgitating the nonsense without any critical thought regarding it.
The federal reserve owns the country and everyone in it and can willy-nilly make or break us with a simple hike or drop in the interest rate. Your worship of their system seems so strange. I think you've tipped your hand with the below statement.
Yeah, I'm worshipping a money printer. As if the value comes from them, as if they can provide a shred of evidence for their loss, which any tort or broken contract depends on, as if they have nothing to lose by fucking with their employers and hiking up interests rates, because they aren't getting paid? Wake up, you literally believe that gold could ever account for one percent of one percent of one percent of the wealth being created Daily by the world? You think it could be a good medium of exchange when we would be paying for cars in micrograms and don't even talk about anything cheaper. Every time anything is created and is in demand, it makes the money more scarce, since the money doesn't increase with the consumption. It leads directly to exactly the same effects as hyperinflation, except that instead of not enough worthless money to buy a bread is replaced with no way to pay anyone anyhhing since the money is that scarce.
You don't seem to understand that a lack of money is as bad as hyperinflation, or worse, and you sit there talking about overprinting and inflation when you disregard the numerous sources that were provided /referenced that dispel that nonsense with hard facts, it's even in the white paper, it dispels the myth with hard fact. You don't seem to understand, again, that overprinting is a relative term, and that by hard facts the QTM is only a theory, to this day, more than 300 years since it was first proposed, and without the evidence for it, which is why that investopedia article spells it out that almost no economists subscribe to it.