This is an Op/Ed to start off with but I noticed way back in 2012 that my passport had a warning on it that anyone who tampers with the embedded RFID chip is committing a Felony. With "vaccine" passports on the horizon regardless of what crap we're being told I thought about how long and hard this mission to track us like cattle has raged on.
#alexboya on giphy (very cool art)
The fact that violent and/or thieving knuckle draggers can get off with a Misdemeanor if the right amount of corruption is involved should highlight the absurdity of the need for a chip to really begin with. Someone who perhaps accidentally messed up the chip gets the same label as a kiddy fiddler? That is total bull imho.
Moving along, "they" DO have many other methods to ensure a passport is authentic they just like to mark us. If they start saying a vaccine passport is needed for traveling between states then we shall see if Americans finally have had enough of this Orwellian 'lifestyle'.
Do you have a Social Security Number? Then that's basically where your tracking started. Do you know your bloodtype? Many don't which is VERY odd considering some bloods can not mingle. I'm RH Negative and there's some seriously weird stuff that goes along with it (saving that for another post or podcast).
If you think it's a conspiracy theory about what some of the agendas may be then I suggest you unplug from all media for a week then go watch stuff and feel your blood pressure rise!
Anyhow, there are people and companies and even sections of the government that are not okay with all this and at the very least want it protected as much as is humanly possible. Now that you know you can't molest your precious passport then what can you play with? Well, if you want to screw an RFID chip just microwave it for a few seconds.
I am not condoning this but it is just a fact but remember they smell awful and can put out toxic fumes depending on what you nuke so make sure to have some windows open.;) .... works on hard drives/tablets etc. too, so I've heard
Have you tried to read the RFID chip in your passport to see what information it may contain? There's really no use for a passport at the moment the way things are... I think that with the amount of virus thats out and about in the world, covid is now endemic, and it'll come and go with yearly strains just like influenza.
On the topic of RFID / NFC / and "chips" I started playing with some NFC chips lately (the idea being to have a "digital business card" I can "tap" people with, to get to my website, or a "me" landing page... the only problem is that I don't tap people on the shoulder so often to wow them with such digital magicks.
It's important to remember, they're not trying to track us like cattle. They know fewer things about the cattle, and take better care of them.
I'm a little curious, and I'll just ask instead of reading your entire timeline... Did you feel the same outrage at being required to get a passport in the first place? The RFID chip probably doesn't have any more information (yet) than your passport itself. As the tech spreads, it's likely that they'll contain more of your payment info in the future.
People have been tracking other people for as long as we've been building walls around cities. Maybe even longer than that... the amount of written history degrades significantly in the times before walled cities. The elites fight longer-term wars than the resistance. In three more generations, everybody will be getting chipped at birth for 'convenience' and 'security', and people like us will be warning everyone not to get the new thought-interface implant.
Microwaving those chips will probably disable them, and you might be able to fight your conviction on the grounds that it was never your intent to tamper with the chip, which suggests modifying it to serve a different purpose. You simply wanted to disable it.
I can tell you from experience that an old school hard drive needs a LOT more than a few seconds in the microwave to get 'cooked'. Even after you cook it, the info in the platters is probably still good. I don't know if the technique works any better on chip memory, but I think it's unlikely. Your microwave will probably fry before you burn up that silicon. Smashing them with a hammer works pretty well on all that stuff. Cutting torches will also do the job pretty quick. Dousing in saltwater while powered up should work for most devices, but I haven't tried it.
I've already run my mouth much more than I planned to. Pleased to meet you, stay safe out there.
depends on if you have a real good microwave that's up there on the nuke power and am not giving 'times' ;) Thanks for the thought provoking comment, with a microwave shorter is better on the cooking and longer on other things, the data will still be somewhere but if you want to physically cook a chip you can and no outrage over international passports as the world is not a safe place and there is a 'greater good' on some of it......rfid's can do more then a lot realize Welcome to Hive btw !!!! you on discord? that's where us crypto nerds tend to really hang and there are some great communities if you check out the tags I used you'll see.
I kicked the bushes in Discord a little bit, but not much came of it. My busy time of year is coming up now, but I'll probably give them another look this winter.
oooh if you wanna see some other cute and fuzzy posts here are some of my recent hive blatherings <3