Deplatforming Everyone

Being on the right is no longer enough to trigger the left. Now merely speaking in a negative tone about their attempts to destroy society meets their "enemies" criteria. They're now after gamers who are "negative" or "angry" and trolling their advertising sponsors. What revolting cretins.

New MOLON LABE podcast.


I wonder if this time its going to backfire on them.

The entire script about why F-c-book and ThemTube exists is to control the narrative.

And the marxist idiology of destroying all that is sacred, is the narrative de jour.

However, it looks like a lot of other groups/people are getting swept up in the drag-net.

The problem with conservatives is that they get a steady job and make money. Thus, they can afford to actually pay for the channels they want to preserve.

Your post had no rewards, now it does!