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RE: We return to Times of slavery in Venezuela?

The problem is not Maduro. If anyone else would be on his seat the problem would be just the same. It is the globalists who have caused the situation.
I even would dare to suggest that Maduro's opposition is a bigger problem then Maduro. As this plays right in the hands of the globalists who play the game of divide and conquer.
The Globalists support both sides of the battle. And they keep doing this until they have won.
The only way to win from the globalists is to unite ALL the people.
But as most citizens don't have a clue about the game of the globalists they are then merely pawns at the chessboard.

Lets say the white pieces are Maduro's people and the black the oppositian.
Thats the battle that most citizens are only able to see.

But the chess players are NOT Maduro and the opposition.
The players are the globalists.
Think Rockefeller, Soros, Rothchild and other billionaires. Those are the people who are playing the game. They don't give a shit if they loose a few pawns, they don't even care if they loose a king, they just set up a new board and play a new game.

To blame Maduro is the same as to blame a chess piece.

It's time to figure out who are the ones that are playing the game in the case of Venezuela.

Who is funding Maduro
Who is funding the opposition.

Who is not telling the truth.

As long as Maduro gets the blame the chess players keep winning.

And Venezuela keeps loosing.

This does not make Maduro a good guy. Maduro is just gamified as a leader. Gamified control, practically the same as users on steemit.. Money is used as a tool to divide us and as long as we are divided the money fuckers will run away with the work that we did.
Try to keep that in mind. this will come in handy once platforms like this replaced facebook and twitter.


Right. It’s not the faukt if the people who control all of the levers of power. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

Maduro is harldy having any power compared to the players who use Maduro as a piece on the chessboard.

friend tremendous comment .. It is very interesting what you say .. I will investigate what you say ,.

please do @chanchuy, and if you find flaws in my article please let me know.

Most interesting will be to find out who the big players are in Venezuela and the surrounding countries. Who are at the top of the consumer goods food chain, then compare their wealth to the wealth of someone like Maduro.