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RE: Are we seeing the great awakening?

in #informationwar7 years ago

That's a good question... Not having any control over it, I suspect that first step would be enough to force people to accept that they have been lied to over an over. Something to force people to awaken.

From there, it's probably best to leave the information available so that people can go as deep as they desire. It's not just US, but world wide... It's gotta be for all the marbles though, if the evil is not uprooted it will just come back.


if the evil is not uprooted it will just come back.

Yes, but another thing that would come up is, how much corruption would the people want exposed? All of it in Washington D.C. and the World's capitols? or just some? How about all the way down to city governments and everything in between?

And, what about Corporations? Do we go all the way down to the Mom-and-Pop store on the corner?

That's the problem with rooting out Evil -- where do you stop?

Isn't being just a little bit corrupt, kinda like being a little bit pregnant?