Now america is still the least worst country in the world, now I say this because we are the only country with freedom of speech and that is about the last freedom we have left.
If we went back to 1776 we would see a lot more freedom (at least for those that were free) but it was a start I suppose. Now they had the right to speak, have guns, contract with others, and trade freely with each other. Now we don't have the right to contract or the right to own a gun.
Also in 1776 the states had far more power then the federal government, but if we compare then to now we will see that the federal government has the power now. Oh don't talk about states rights (That's racist).
It seems that people in america though are fine as long as they have their beer and guns..... but they are coming for your guns you'll say, but they just say no their not. In my mind if I have a right to do something then I do not need to ask permission I can just do it as long as I don't violate other peoples rights in the process.
So now owning a gun is a privilege that is granted to you by the government, if they say no then guess what they mean no. So no sorry in america we no longer have a right to own a gun, but we do have the privilege of owning a gun so you could say we are still the best because of this as well.
I am also guessing back then they made sure they called their government a republic, today we call it a democracy so we a lot more stupid then they were probably thanks to our compulsory education by public schools.
Kids today are learning the same thing that 25 and 30 year old's today learned..... Think about that for a moment, now why is this the case? Well when you don't have to compete with other schools then you don't have to teach....
This is why private schools pose a threat, but the reason it's so expensive at least one reason is that it's hard to compete with free... So if you try to run a school on a tight budget and charge maybe 8,000 a year then you still probably won't attract customers because they are middle class and they will say 8,000 a year or free? Most of the time they will choose free unless they understand Austrian Economics.
Now for most people they will assume america is the greatest country because of a lot of things, but all I can think of is free speech and our mildly more free right.. oops I mean privilege to contract with others in our economic lives.
I won't focus on that stuff though I will look at the destruction of america and I will celebrate that because I believe it is to far gone to start crawling back, we need a collapse and then hopefully the government collapses with it and we can develop communities that hold our values.
Thank you guys for reading please upvote, follow, and leave your thoughts on what we should or should not celebrate about America.
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