If only what they offered was true.
Your digital identity, which no one can take.
Which only allows you access to your things.
But, that is the first lie.
Not only will they print false identities for all of their black-ops people, there is no end to the fake ids that will spring forth.
Biometric scans reveal that... they are too fallible. Everyone has a twin somewhere. The wrong people have been busted by facial recognition multiple times.
Further, if this is used as a control structure, than there will be many people who never update their information. Or just fall through the cracks of society.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if your chip told the govern-cement workers that you were living on the street, and they actually came to help you.
But, that brings us to the real problem of this. That govern-cements are against the people. Not just passive, but actively out to kill you all. Populations are too high, and they want to reduce that. They actively poison you, actively misinform you about your health and actively bath you in radiation. If they cared about you, this would all stop. But no, it is increased.
So, anything offered from this govern-cement should be avoided.
Few people realize what 'you stated in this quote, as true'...They compile and store fake ID's and histories of individuals through many different mechanisms. Someone's 'aborted' child may actually have an 'assigned' living ID and history; for instance.
False people, for false flag events...as needed.
Let's not broadcast this to loudly friend...can be more dangerous to our health, than fluoride in the water, etc...