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RE: Today's Topic "Diversity": Consider M&Ms...

Diversity is important... unless you are a white male.
Which means, that diversity is just a club to beat white males with.

It is a buzzword to signal that you are a good person.
However, it is meaningless. Because, everyone i know is picky about who they are friends with.

And the ones who shout diversity the most are groups that are almost all white women, leftist, neo-liberals. Or, a very homogeneous group.

Me, i'm a racist! I hate trash.
I hate white trash, i hate trailer trash, i hate brown trash, i hate green trash...


Yet. Diversity applied to skin color is like the shell of the M&M it is not diverse at all if it all tastes the same. ;)

It is simple cultural marxism, hijacking words, redefining them, and weaponizing them. I refuse to cede linguistic territory for their agendas.

I like diversity. They don't even though they spend so much time talking about it.

Do you know what the most diverse thing is?

It is called INDIVIDUALISM. The only minority that truly matters is the individual.

In my house I have to take the trash out. Some how I think it is the same for our society?