Id give you that dubem-eu vs the tin hattery going around. I dont see it has "hyped" in total but I can understand you using that term. Yes, greene, the flu and other ailments are duh. Covid is not the flu. Catch covid, and if you are unlucky enough not to just be asymptomatic, come back and talk. Its not comparable to the flu. Sounds like greene is pushing their own FEAR on people again. Science beats your fear like rock beats scissors except its not a game.
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Hey genius, it's a virus. There are many varieties of viruses that all living things are susceptible to.
This coronavirus is a new strain of "coronavirus" like their are different strains of influenza every damn year.
Are we supposed to now mask up and shutdown the economy for EVERY new strain?
Stop being a mindless sheep...thinking freely is free.
Hey genius. Still not the flu and much worse than one. NO DUH ITS A VIRUS! LOL. Reading scienctific data and not believing tin hat nonesense while actually knowing something about virology is not usually consider mindless, unless youre a braindwashed sheep. No, you were suppose to wear a mask while shopping and social distancing for a while now. The economy is not "shut down", its slowed but not "shut down". And once again, genius, its not the flu, we have been handling the flu for a long enough to be able to handle it every year (vaccines are a big part of that), and this is what they call a novel virus. Look it up, genius. It's an important term to know. If you wanna melt about science and reality at least try to back it up with more than strawgrasping and your feelings. Science doesn't give a shit about your feels. Dont wanna wear a mask. Dont go shopping. Stay away from others. You being a tin hat sheep and refusing to learn, willful ignorance, which is a form of stupidity, doesnt mean others have to allow you to impede on their own liberties, like the liberty of health and being able to get the economy back up to speed. Wearing a face cover, which has plenty of scientific data to back it up and to retort your feels, social distancing, and not spreading disinformation will help speed things back up. When you act like a antimasker snowflake you are only slowing things down, thus impeding on others liberty. But you dont care about liberty do you? You care about your own personal freedoms over the liberty of all. People like you are a reason the pandemic is only accelerating in the United States. Brainwashed into willful ignorance. The world is laughing at the US. The US is #1 at not dealing with a pandemic. You people are worse than flat earthers.