KBG related to Gulag camps how? Gulag camps predated Putin....
"It sickens me to see the USA pushing the gay/tranny/gender-dysphoria agendas, while Russia is (at least publicly) supporting a return to traditionalism"... Who is USA? I am sure its not a effort from the population of the USA... You are saying that gays should be treated like in Chechnya? That sickens me, I support Infowars on some areas but this is so random and offensive....
Where did I say that the gulag camps didn't predate Putin? The point is the head of the KGB was not likely to be someone that would bond well with Solzhenitsyn, regardless of the time frame. Neither would it have been likely the Soviets would have picked a man to LEAD the KGB who was thought to be sympathetic to Solzhenitsyn. The whole story seems odd, to me. If it doesn't to you, that's fine.
I do not think ANY government should be pushing anti-American, anti-traditional values against the will of the people. All one need do is spend a few minutes in almost any classroom in the country to see the agenda being pushed without any airing of the other side, such as how dangerous those lifestyles are, let alone the Biblical injunctions against such behaviors.
Nowhere was Chechen treatment of homosexuals even remotely suggested in my post. The post was about RUSSIA. I do not believe in ill treatment of anyone for anything except for breaking the law, but I do reserve the right to criticize behaviors that violate God's higher laws.
No but the American way = ensure homosexuals basic human rights, makes you sick...
Which is the Chechen way, go live there....
Claim profound knowledge of gods higher laws to justify it is even more sick... gg
Oh I see, you're one of those. Fine.
I will choose to follow God's Word, you enjoy your mockery.
You¨ll follow nothing but hate and your delusional mind, get real
Isaiah 5:20 ¶ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!