Dear @perceptualflaws
Indeed I also enjoyed this publication. One of those refreshing and making you think :)
what people fail to realise .. is that they're intended to welcome this new control system with open arms.
Very well said. All that nonsense about privacy and being anonymous is nothing but propaganda. I already realized a while ago, that this technology will allow authorities to control us better.
and will become the architects of our own prison
The only thing is that this prison we're going to live in ... well, this may not be such a bad place. Goverments seem to understand quite well, that if you give people enough to survive and some leasure on top of that, then you will keep them quiet and obidient.
So those who will be valuable (paying taxes, earning, having some assets or properties, those having right to vote etc) - they will be happy in that little "prison".
ps. It's good to see that you're still around :)
Hey crypto.piotr .. hope you've been well my friend! I've been really busy with my book, work, renovations and just general life so I haven't been around as much .. but I'm hoping to be able to post some more regular work over the coming weeks. In terms of the prison, yes I agree .. I think they have learned that a Brave New World style of dictatorship is more efficient than 1984 .. slowly but surely the public is intended to relish their enslavement, although what happens to those who push back and refuse to become one with the thought hive mind .. remains to be seen. Thanks again my friend!