Is so fucking powerful. For me, I am a very sentimental person, to an extreme fault. I hoard everything in my life and take up a lot of space with doo-dads that remind me of my past.
Don't you love the good old days when you were a kid, playing video games? Remember when Xbox Live came out and and we played Halo 2 online? That was fuckin' rad! I remember getting a headset for christmas and being able to talk to my Gamer Friends while playing online as a young teen. Gaming is fun! It's a sport! It's a hobby!
What did we do when we played video games as kids? Well, we did what the others were doing. We were kids. Just hanging out. Just having fun. Not even in high school yet, very minimal social experience, and making and building lasting memories and ideals that are being woven into the fabric of your personality without even realizing it.
All throughout history, one of the leading ways to control population has been by controlling education and children. Children are always so special, and are often bundles of clay that you can easily form into anything you want with the correct strategies. Why do you think that the Southern United States for example, LOOOVES to strip information and funding from schools?
Gaming was co-opted by the alt-right in the last 5 years or so to heavily promote the bad parts of "Gaming Culture" and shun any possibility of inclusion in the community. Remember the Anita Sarkeesian drama? Remember Gamer Gate? There were so many YouTube videos about "DUMB FEMINIST TRYING TO RUIN GAMING" all over the place, video after video, and after watching some of them and the ~YOUTUBE ALGORITHM~ kicked in hardcore and started recommending "SIMILAR" content and after not too long, the entirety of the website was filled with propaganda mocking and attacking women for wanting to just have a seat at the table when discussing games and the future of the medium.
The White Cis Straight Male Gamer is the most self-inflicted victimized type of person on the internet. They've been programmed into thinking that Gaming Culture is perfect, and it's most importantly FOR THEM. It's their hobby. They have nostalgia for it that's a core part of their personalities since childhood, and are irrationally defensive over their Games because of it, so when someone criticizes the Community and asks to have better treatment of women in the space, it hurts. The very thing that defined your childhood can't possibly be flawed, so she must be wrong.
The alt-right have taken advantage, heavily, of the density of Gamers. Look at PewDiePie's popularity and his antics and what he gets away with. He literally can mock poor folks and have them degrade themselves for pennies, advocate for right wing conspiracies, and promote hate speech and nothing takes him down. Why is that? Because of institutionalized white male supremacy and the fact that no one actually cares about women and minorities (outside of getting LAID, amirite?).
Telling Gamers that women and minorities are bad, even if they don't hate them, they'll still think that it has some validity. "Well, I've watched Sargon on YouTube for 5 years, I have nostalgia for him, and respect him. He can't possibly be wrong." Sargon loves to present the "neutral racist" ideologies such as IQ, civilization, tradition, culture, etc of minorities being "scientifically worse". Draping hate and discrimination in "science" and "facts" for Gamers to take on and hold dear.
"I don't hate black people, but they DO get commit more crime, do more drugs, rape more, kill more, and have lower IQs. I don't hate them, but facts are facts."
Can you not see how believing this will lead to discriminating against people in the real world? Do people really fucking think that this is OK? Yes, they do. Because facts don't care about your feelings, or something.
This is so on point. The same language that was once relegated to back offices in the workplace became mainstream in the gamer community. While this behavior is quite common in the real world, it has always been much more low-key. Now it's everywhere.
Hi! Are you new to steemit? (you look new judging by low post history) It's good to see more non-fash on the platform!
Yes, though, that is how we're rolling now. The nazis are camouflaged by the "ironic" nazis that they created. Read my other post from today for some more on that. :)
Well, I signed up for steemit a long time ago, but I'm just learning the platform. So yeah, I'm pretty new.
I dunno. As a gamer most of my life, I have made more friends and had more fun through games then not. Sure there are negatives to it. Sensitivity to violence, lack of exercise,lol. I am not trying to argue but as a "STRAIGHT,WHITE,MALE" I do not feel victimized. It hasn't changed my "real world" perspective at all. If anything it has enhanced it as I have come in touch with and made friends with people from around the world.
Missing the point pretty hard. There's a difference between the Gamers in question, and people who play video games, no matter how much. It's good to hear that you're reaching out to many different people!
I do often miss the point,lol.