These were the exact thoughts that I had, but I was finished putting my energy into arguing with brick walls.
The mentality of saying that “there must be a scientific study for something” is likened to saying that the only way to be successful in life is to graduate college. It’s not always the case.
I definitely received some major heat on this one.. luckily I’m comparative to zirconium, so it takes much more fire than what they threw at at me to bring me to my melting point.
Thank you for the positive encouragement by the way, I will always manage though. I’ve dealt with opposition for 25+ years now 😎
Bro I’ve been talking about 5g a lot lately. Thinking about doing a proper post soon. More details than this one next time. I didn’t expect to get this much reach from such a simple article. I now know to build up a solid defensive wall from the get go.
ya, you can't change people, they have to learn for themselves, sometimes the hard way.
In regards to 5G, here is a post I did with some other conspiracy stuff thrown in. Not sure about the whole mark of the beast line, but 5G is a danger, so I'd love to see another piece on it if you write one up.
Also, I don't know if you have any interest, but I'm currently reading and writing about the Paul Selig books which have to do with our personal frequency. Changing our consciousness/frequency is what I think is the only way to "fight" these negative forces. Not everyone's cup of tea so no pressure
Nice! That all sounds like good stuff to me. I’ll give you a follow back and be sure to check out the posts you were talking about. Sounds like we are on the same 🌊
Definitely man, forgot to mention I picked up a set of harmonizing cylinders, one shungite and one soapstone, if you want a poor man's harmonizer instead of buying a pyramid, ran me about 40$ on amazon and I can tell when I'm meditating, usualy use them while earthing with standing meditation. Combined with the selig books it's the first time I've felt vibrations flowing through me
That sounds like a smart buy! Great idea for harmonizing.
I can’t say it’s 24/7. But that energetic feeling you are talking about, I feel it quite often.