
Because I want to do it that way. Why do you ask a question totally off-topic? I guess because you want to do so.

answers like that will make me unfollow. 'because i want to' is not a reason, it's bullshit. you are an adult and there is a reason you do that.

I type G-D the way I do because I am a Noachide by faith. It is my way of expressing my awe at who I perceive to be the King of the Universe.

Follow/Unfollow that is your business. I only answered your question because you seemed frustrated at my first answer which I will admit, was a bit sarcastic and short. I ask your forgiveness for being rude.

no problem, and it wasn't too hard was it?

you also asked why i asked it, and i kind of told you in my last comment: i understand why you do that, but i don't think you've ever really thought about it 'skeptically' - if you want to show respect to the Father, then show respect to the Son, to whom He has bequeathed all things.

God is His description/ job title. His name is YHVH (for want of a better anglicisation) - and it is this name you should be 'feared' of writing. if it was not meant for His children to utter or pronounce His name then it would not be written down at all would it?

for myself, i prefer to do the opposite, like david of bethlehem, and proclaim His name, title and majesty as much and often as possible. peace :-)

I am a former Christian (Independent Baptist) and spent a short time studying for the ministry. I am also a former member of a Messianic Jewish congregation. While I respect and understand your views, I do not share them. I am a Monotheist. I do not believe in the Trinity.

In your honoring and proclamations you may not want to do like David and proclaim nude. You may get arrested.

This is why I did not want to answer your question directly. I do not wish to participate in hijacking @drakos post and turn it into a religious debate. You have the answer you requested. I thank you for your advise.

i don't believe in the trinity either, it's a roman abomination, same as hell, the immortal soul and many other non-biblical doctrines most of the world regards as being 'christianity.' i don't go to any church, they wouldn't have me:

Jesus was a man like you and me, and through faith and obedience became man 2.0 (or 'the son of man' in the bible) - the firstborn of the dead, sitting at the right hand of God waiting and prepared for His day, much prophesied.

people can read threads or not - there is no messaging here so all is out in the open - and on the blockchain. peace.

disappointed you are not able to reply to this. so many only go so far towards the truth, then run away when it gets a bit too uncomfortable. shame.