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RE: Distraction techniques.

That's all fine and dandy but who is the we? There are people like us who realise we live on a people farm and have been lied to about everything and then there's everyone else who thinks that the future will be rosy if they can just vote the right people into power. And when has demanding things from our leaders ever worked? Of course we need collective action and mass noncompliance but where's the collective? Most of the masses are too busy trying to make ends meet to even see there's a problem. We're doomed I tell you. Doomed!


"we need collective action and mass noncompliance but where's the collective?"

We need a robust and anonymous system to help enable the above. Testing and adaptation of systems that have potential to be robust and anonymous enough, are in progress.

Doomed "We" are not, unless we give up the good fight & let them walk over us. We need to remember who or what we really are, and play this game of life with the knowledge that it is just a game, and share our infinite love with One and all.

Sat Nam.

Doomed "We" are not, unless we give up the good fight & let them walk over us.

I think that ship has sailed! Have we not just undergone and miserably failed a mass IQ test? Have we not lined up to sacrifice ourselves upon the altar of compliance? I don't think we know who or what we really are or the nature of this world we inhabit, though I suspect it's some sort of game to which we haven't (yet) worked out the rules.

Testing and adaptation of systems that have potential to be robust and anonymous enough, are in progress.



Not disagreeing with you, most are like I used to be, work all night, sleep by day, get up, eat and go to work again, no time to fart let alone think with the 9 - 5 grind, and grave yard shifts :-)