The media complex are whores to corporations, they have been since the 1970's.
When these whores start banging on about a boogie man, you know 1 thing for sure, that boogie man is coming to call.
Allow me to explain why I am doing this, I have faith that this blockchain may last the test of time, and I want to make sure I leave my thoughts for my daughter to read, also I know I am not going to live forever.
Enter the boogie man Bin Laden.
Let me take you on a trip down memory lane, in both written, audio & visual format, I require no upvote for this, I require no resteem, I want this to be for you, not for me..........
That was the year the media started banging on about the mystery man bin laid a few times, it made as much sense as the event itself on 9/11, you see these people think the bigger the lie, the more people will believe, and I will tell you why, first let's consider 20 people with box cutters, hijacking planes, and flying them with precision into buildings, after doing a few amateur flights on tiny little planes eh!
If we take a look at the lies, you will see they have relied on this trusted method for 2000 years and more, let's have a quick look at Christianity, Jesus born to a virgin? say what?
- Water into wine? (come again)
- Walking on water (blah blah blah, yeh right, not even going any further with this fable.)
The koran/quran
Mohamed flew to heaven on a horse.
and my names peter pan if you believe either of the above religions, like 2 billion people DO
I walked into a bar on 9/11,
I had just got back to the UK from my second attempt at living in Thailand. I was only 30 something, and loved the whole scene. They had a small old style tube tv behind the bar, and the twin towers burning were on it, everyone in the bar was talking about this event, and that is how they pull you in, to make you believe the unbelievable , via TV.
*One thing smacked me in the face that day, and it was the obvious bullshit I could see, unfolding before my eyes, as the BBC coverage claimed wt7 was down, 23 minutes before it was, I knew the skyline there, I was only there 4 years before, bullshit tv = is the BBC visual time
Hollywood make so many spectacular movies, to expand peoples minds to new possibilities, and then the false flag crowd exploit that vulnerability in your perception, to the full. I know these people, I know why they do it, and I also know they are scared, they fear the pitch forks, though they know they are coming all the same.
Lucky Larry or the missing 2.3 trillion, I mean where do we start?
Larry Silverstein is either the luckiest man alive or one sly son of a bitch, and I know it is the latter.
I do not want to waste my breath or energy on Larry, you can research that freak of a man for yourself.
2.3 Trillion $ went missing the day before this EVENT and folks seem to have forgotten, allow me.
Lets check out reports from the time, I watched live on tv,
I am old, I am not senile
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Want to hear what the firemen said?
From my generation to yours, I never let you down, I never stopped fighting, the morons were just in control, in office, and the same mindless morons may ruin this site, DON'T let them.
Deliberator Drops that mic, Out.
9---888-8 some random code to beg for donations(don't do it. I have enough money anyway)
pics from where ever & video links are obvious so excuse me for not putting another 50 links to everything else I ever wanted to bore you with. ..I.
Here's to hoping that one day we will find out for sure who carried all this out.
You conspiracy theorist, you!
Only kidding. In two words, that is how we get shut down. Two words that stop the debate before it has even started. Two word meant to ridicule and demean, mark us like lepers and deter people from associating with us. If, God forbid, they agreed with us, they'd be lepers too.
I have to say that the day I started seeking out the facts, suddenly I no longer could associate fully with the people I know (except the ones who had made a parallel journey into what is turning out to be a rabbit hole of continuous uncovering of lies and BS necessitating a total readjustment to reality). It's like we live in two different incompatible worlds.
Unfortunately, facts and the confrontation with the total absurdity of the official narrative are not powerful enough to have people pull their heads out of their youknowwhats. You'd think that the cognitive dissonance would stir them, but no, not even a glimmer of doubt, access denied.
However, there is something so compelling about the Truth, that it keeps making its way to the surface. We may not have the leverage or pull that comes with numbers or force, but I'm sure you know Aesop's fable of the lion and the gnat. So let's keep buzzing and stinging and driving them crazy because as long as there is a truth to be told, we sure as hell ain't going away!
The truth will be known only when no one cares anymore and everyone culpable is already dead.
It's like the high-echelon pedophile scandals in the UK. Crazy conspiracy man Icke's been screaming about it for a decade but whenever something is "discovered" it is inevitably about someone who's recently died, having lived a life of peace and luxury.
The bastards protect their own.
The Pagans worshipped the Sun and made stories about it so they could keep track of the seasons; Jesus is the Sun, God's Sun, personified.
It's where the story of him turning water into wine comes from.
Like how Vines grow with the aid of water and sunlight.
The walking on water part is due to the Sun looking like it's floating on the sea at dusk.
Jesus is the "Light of the World" our "Risen saviour"; God's Sun/Son.
Jesus's twelve dispicles are the twelve months of the year and the twelve signs of the zodiac, one being pisces, the two fish.
I watched the Icke-meister touch on this several months ago, it made far more sense than any religious doctrine. Like, by the 25th december the sun becomes noticeably higher in the sky after peak of chronological winter and so the 'light has returned' stuff. Well; it was summat like than anyhoo ;)
Apologies for my description but I hope you catch my drift ;)
yess.. this is one thing I know a bit about.. I can't even have a conversation with my dad about the entire 9/11 fiasco because he seriously believes the entire story line and propaganda - I don't know why but he refuses to see the truth. He fancies himself a patriot of some sort? I don't know why.. he never served, doesn't vote.. doesn't even pay taxes LOL but there is no telling him 9/11 was an inside job
The clips are crazy to look back on now and see how far they've taken their war on terror.. all made possible by the 9/11 sponsors
Oh boy... dont get me started on 9/11.... Screw the government! Damn the man!
Relevance: False Flags
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
When you look back over all the footage/time-line with a fresh pair of eyes, it's so easily distinguished as an elaborate fabrication. Unfortunately a 'fresh pair of eyes' seems a rare commodity these days.
Indeed my friend indeed.