Good point. Big cities are a big source of heat. Suburb temperatures are temperate on average, but when you go downtown on the same day or night, summer or winter, you can feel a drastic change with a higher temperature.
Urban development destroys habitat and exerts great pressure on wild life. But on the other hand there are vast areas on this planet that are not urbanized where wild life still thrives. So naturally, ecologists will put the focus on the disturbed areas as if the whole planet is suffering the same outcome, which is far from the truth. Bringing awareness about the negative human impact on ecosystems (pollution, habitat destruction, garbage dumping) is a noble endeavour, I fully support that, but blaming everything on climate change and using it as a political tool is where I draw the line. Politicians will say and endorse anything to help their campaigns, yet they are among the biggest polluters (private jets, big houses, lobbies, industrial contracts). I'm yet to see any of those hypocrites take the bus or bicycle to go to work.
A recent example of political hypocrisy is Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau, he got busted with blackface on numerous counts in his past, so what does he do? He blames his fuck up on his "privilege" and blames the rest of Canada for being "a racist country"! The art of deflection at its best. And that same prime minister smiled to the cameras with Greta on his side a couple days ago, to make him look good. If he doesn't, he will get canceled. But even with the blackface fiasco, he's still around. These people get away with anything, they lecture us about how we should behave, yet they do the opposite and hide/lie about it. (Exit tangeant).
Here is my take on the subject. If Climate Change is real then why the hell are the Politicians, Scientists and actors using more Fossil Fuels than anyone.... flying all over the earth telling people they need to reduce their Carbon Emissions. Friggin Hypocrites.
Do as they say, not as they do. Here's a pure example of their hypocrisy where Extinction Rebellion co-Leader Skeena Rathor repeatedly dodges and refuses to answer a simple question: do you have a TV and electronic devices at home. Also, according to her, the climate change crap should be a collective effort, yet paradoxically, SHE shouldn't be counted as part of the effort!?