I'm from New Zealand. I grew up in Canada - I'm a dual citizen and I've been back a few times. My parents are down there on extended vacation right now, and were close to the terror event Friday.
And for a couple years I've been saying New Zealand will be the next scene of a large terrorist attack or false flag event. Sadly, the warning signs were all there.
So I can't say I was shocked.
But yes, it has impacted me. I've stayed away from any coverage (mainstream or alternative) of the event since it happened. I've got a fair bit on my plate at the moment and my physical and mental health are important to me.
Today, though, a friend linked me to footage from "the video". (The video that websites and countries are banning people for, just for watching, with threats of charges of "aiding terrorists".)

It's hard not to notice that as the shooter walks with his rifle down the main hallway for the first time, he glances at an item laying on the floor. It appears to be a magazine for a rifle. He walks past it.
After shooting at some people for a minute, he's back in the main hallway, and walks past the object again:

The object is the same shape, same colour, and in the same spot as when he drove up and entered the building.
After shooting for a couple more minutes, including reloading a few times with various magazines, he returns to the main hallway and approaches the item which had been in that exact spot all along:

He picks it up:

And reloads his rifle with it:

It was a magazine full of the bullets his rifle required. He began shooting again.
Regardless of everything else, WHY was there a magazine of bullets lying on the floor in the main hallway of the mosque, before the shooter drove across town and entered the building?
None of the possible explanations I can think of seem at all likely. I can't imagine any scenario that makes sense, can you?
There appear to be other cached magazines around the mosque, but this one is the most obvious. It was there before he was, and appears to be covered in white lettering and symbols, just like all his other gear:

I'm not trying to make light of what appears to be a terrible tragedy, or offend anyone, or be needlessly controversial.
I just want to know the truth about something which has just changed all of our lives forever!
Why was there at least one magazine full of the shooter's bullets in the mosque BEFORE he began the FaceBook livestream, drove across Christchurch, and arrived to begin the shooting?
Yo man... wow. I did not know this at all. That's some crazy stuff... why on earth was there a magazine set up for him, as if they were in a studio? We have sadly all heard about false flag/crisis shootings in the past, but I didn't think this could have been one too. I am not saying it is by the way, I am just saying this sounds super weird. Why was it set up? There was actual death etc wasn't there? Maybe it was planted there.... but if you are walking in with a gun you would just walk in with ammo too, right? I don't know man, this world is getting crazier by the day....
Peace dude
I know. Really, all I'm saying here is that there was a magazine full of his bullets waiting for him there. Maybe an unknown accomplice quickly planted it there seconds before he entered the building, and left out the back before the shooting started? But still, what sense does that make?
Like you said, what is there to hide, if everything's on the up and up? Major laws are being changed, all over the world, based on this one event. But if the event is full of holes, shouldn't we wait until we understand the situation before proceeding with drastic changes to society?
You're right, what sense does any of that make? I can't think of any explanation as to why a magazine would be placed inside the route of where the shooting was taking place. Man, it's all horrible, crazy and scary...
That's another thing... why does it take an extreme shooting event to suddenly start changing laws everywhere... hmm
The NZ people are now the least armed they have been in history. Thousands of weapons turned in to be destroyed every day since the event. And that's before any law has even needed to be passed.
I have also been avoiding the coverage, it smelled like dead fish to me and I just don't need to know the details. However, I did see a headline that caught my eye... Apparently everyone was wearing their shoes? In a mosque? I do not know, it is just a headline I saw. The coverage is SO agenda-driven, I just doubt it was organic (like your lovely nugs!)
I also have my doubts..... Like you, I'm not trying to make light or disrespect anyone, but TRUTH is TRUTH and all avenues need to be explored.
I have also seen footage where the spent ammunition shells disappeared before hitting the floor, as if it's CGI or superimposed after.
All very strange.
Why censor things when details like this need to be answered. By leaving them unanswered it leaves more questions than answers.
rebuttal here: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@jcomeauictx/the-magazine-on-the-floor-at-christchurch-isn-t-necessarily-a-sign-of-a-hoax
Cool, thanks for responding :)
When he does drop things, you see it happen, and he doesn't throw them - especially not 10+ feet. With volume up, I can hear the sound you're probably referring to, but it also sounds very much like a door opening or closing, somebody tripping on clutter as they scramble away, a switch on the gun being flicked, and so on.
His hands appear to be on the weapon during the fraction of a second he could be throwing a magazine down the hallway - he doesn't seem to have opportunity. He also doesn't have any motive for doing what you suggest. Everything else he did seemed pre-planned and very efficient.
And why did he briefly pause to inspect the magazine as he passed it, if he had just thrown it there under 2 seconds ago?
You mention Occam's Razor, is your explanation all that likely? Many intelligent rational people I respect favour another explanation, which is that once again elite forces within governments are exploiting people for societal change that favours them, like disarming the populace and increased surveillance powers.
Perhaps investigators will (or have) questioned the shooter about that clip? I'm sure they've been going over the footage nonstop since it happened, and they have many eyes, so they're aware of it at least.
2 days after I wrote this article..
NZ is prohibiting all semi-auto weapons for citizens. They are also prohibiting magazines like the ones mentioned in this post.