I think I agree with Alex Jones in disagreeing with other people on our side and I am an asshole too, I interrupt people, I yell, I do all those things and I believe in doing those things. I agree with Alex regarding gun rights.
Yeah the thing is the people that put together the rally on the steps of the capital building in Austin agreed with all of that too. They were 100% on his side.
He shows up with his bull horn and was yelling interrupting people speaking that were on his side. He bull horned them in the face when they were offering to let him up on the stage. When one of the women came to him he basically told her she was a fool and didn't know what she was talking about yet she and the others had been saying pretty much what he was bull horning. Of course he didn't know this because he showed up in the middle of the rally with the bullhorn without listening to anything that was said.
Anyone can be an asshole. It's part of being human. It is why I didn't stop listening to him.
The truth is still the truth whether it comes from an asshole or not. It pissed me off that he was basically attacking people on his side that were trying to let him speak over a PA system on a stage without the bullhorn at a time we needed to be united. Of course we need it more today than we did then.
This was also before Trump, before 2016, etc.
I'm trying to remain open minded regarding Alex.
So am I. I have only challenged your statement that he is never wrong. That's it. Is he human and fallible or do you think he is a perfect God? If he is a human he speaks A LOT so of course he has been wrong before. I didn't say it happened a lot. Yet it does. I've even heard him say he was wrong before. Though I've also heard him frequently say "My gut is never wrong". He is human...
But at the same time, it is important to remember that Alex Jones generally would let us know what the globalists and others were planning to do, what they thought, what they were trying to do, what they were doing, etc, and when some of those things do not happen, that does not mean he was wrong.
Yep. I didn't disagree with that. I said he has been wrong. He has even admitted it. Partially why I can't remember the specifics is because when a person admits it I don't keep hung up on it. I am not a journalist interested in attacking him. I view him as on my side. Thus, I don't hang onto times he was wrong in my memory so I can trot them out to attack him. He is human. He speaks a lot. Anyone with those two criteria is going to be wrong sometimes.
Yet you are hung up on something you shouldn't be. There is absolutely nothing bad about being wrong unless you are wrong about the same thing repeatedly. It is part of the learning process. There are really only two opportunities that I am aware of for us to learn. We are ignorant (aka do not know) about some information so we have the opportunity to learn about it and remove our ignorance. The other opportunity is when we are wrong. We learn from that as well.
So while I am telling you Alex has been wrong in response to your saying he has never been wrong and THAT IS IT. I never said that was a bad thing. It is you that seems set on defending him from something that hasn't been an attack. Alex has done a few things that pissed me off over the years and ALL of them happened before you even started following him.
The other one that I thought was stupid was before the bullhorn one. I can remember it. I watched his documentary revealing the Bohemian Grove. He took the time to attack new agers that were there protesting the Bohemian Grove as well. I remember distinctly thinking that was stupid because if their religious beliefs differ from his they are still fighting the same enemy. They can unite in that cause or they can attack each other and be divided. Alex chose the path of division then.
I personally think if our founding fathers had not had Freedom of Religion that the forces of England would have won the Revolutionary War. If people had been divided over religion they would not have been able to pull it off. Despite popular propaganda while a lot of them were denominations of Christianity not all of them were. John Adams was a Universalist. Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson were both Deists. Many of them (most) were Masons but contrary to popular belief you do not have to be Christian to be a Mason. So they instituted Freedom of Religion and they united and were able to defeat the English Army.
This was something I saw Alex do many years ago that I thought was rather stupid since the people he decided to attack were there protesting the same thing he was.
I do think he has improved in that area since that time. That was actually the first thing I ever saw him do that I considered "stupid". I had been watching him for quite awhile before that. The second was that "bullhorn" incident.
Did that make me stop watching to him and listening to him? No.
I just remind myself he is human. He has the same issues as the rest of us. He is not as prone to them as some people in society of course.
But many times, Alex would simply say what others said meaning if Alex was wrong, he was simply the messenger in those types of situations.
This is true. I also think many of the times he admitted to being wrong it was due to something like this. He would find out his information was incorrect.
I am a Deist myself.
I have zero issues with Christians as long as they let me choose for myself and don't try to force me. I've sat between a Chilean Episcopalian Latino Priest and a Presbyterian Minister who looked like Ben Franklin. I'd have lunch with them frequently. They were best friends and those conversations were hilarious and a lot of fun. They respected me. I respected them.
Ultimately I don't care what faith other people have as long as they don't go the route of using that faith to justify forcing others.
If you can tell me when that happened with the event in Texas. I can investigate the details so I can then present my commentary on what happened. I think you said it was regarding gun rights. Alex Jones came with his blow horn. It can be argued that Alex can be too loud and many different things at times or too often. Alex has evolved over the years. Alex was worse in some ways in the past. Was this in the 1990s or after that?