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RE: Consensus is not Science. Science is not Consensus.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I thought I'd offer you a programming example since you seem to indicate you are a programmer. I am going to use pseudo-code.

IF this event happens THEN do this

That measures something. It is specific. That is closer to using the techniques required by the scientific method, but it is only one of the things used within the scientific method during the testing phase.

In religion we basically end up with...

IF I was told it is true though I can't prove it, and neither can they THEN do this

You can't code that. It can't read minds and infer belief.

The logical operators required for IF, THEN statements which is at the root of most programming are measurements. NOT, EQUAL, GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, OR, AND, EXCLUSIVE OR, etc.

All mathematical equivalency checks... i.e. measurements.

It cannot make things true simply because a person believes they are true.

Code can only work with raw data, which is observable, measurable, and REPEATABLE, and thus we can build things with it as it is reliably predictive and follows known rules. That is what science works with.

Religion does not. It is built on people believing something is true often based upon faith alone and upon stories and beliefs that cannot be proven. You must just simply take them as faith.

Does that mean they are wrong? No. Yet you can't prove they are right or wrong. They are subjective.

It is really no different than me imagining I am a super powerful person and then demanding you believe it, because I do. If you challenge that belief then I can call you a heretic, denier, conspiracy theorist, or make up some new derogatory word.

You may think... "I can kick your ass and show you". Haha! You are offering proof. That is what science tries to do. However, what if I convince 100 people it is true and you have to go through them first? What if I die and they continue talking about me, and that 100 has become 1000 people who do not require proof. They operate on faith and they will defend that story with force if necessary.
