A little under 60% of Americans voted last federal election which is impressive. However,

#'s are essentially the same for young voters. The voters 62 and older did drop by 1%
But I found this pretty interesting! Off topic, I know...

A little under 60% of Americans voted last federal election which is impressive. However,
#'s are essentially the same for young voters. The voters 62 and older did drop by 1%
But I found this pretty interesting! Off topic, I know...
True... THey have realized they have a voice and it can be heard if they scream loud enough. Now they just need to realize they can make an actual difference if they show up and vote! A lot of them are reaching the age where they can, hopefully they do! As for the white women... Ill gladly label myself Puerto Rican (which I am, even though my Polish side shows more) with that stat! Freakin white women....... LOL
Puerto Rico is a beautiful place like your family!
Why thank you! One day Im going to visit my home land! One day...