lets see, because electricity does not have a positive and negative charge perhaps... all ELECTROmagnetic forces in the universe derive from ELECTRIC FIELDS
Moreover, everything has its opposite because of the law of polarity.... like day and night... high and low tide... everything... summer , winter... all the cycles of life are polar opposites... life and death
and since electricity runs through our synpases, we think in term of polarity... GOOD AND BAD :)
nothing new age here... it is METAPHYSICS
just like all actions start as ideas... in the mind... the Principle of Mentalism
self evident.... my blog is not for you...
So everything has its opposite and electricity doesn't have its opposite. Wow, you typed 2 sentences and only one contradiction. lolz.
lolz, we been through this before where you were shown to be wrong...what are the opposites of these particles according to your law of polarity?

Oops this left out the most fun particle, the Higgs boson, here we go:

What is the opposite of a Higgs boson?
higgs bosom is a hoax to start with...
Show me a spirit so we can analyse its properties to determine what might be its opposite.
Bessie! Get over here!

Yea, they were wrong about a lot of things, so what?
atheism defined... the UNseen, The Spirit does not exist. :)
ok, ok...show my your special spirit then. It is much prettier than those other ones. :-D
we cannot debate because our views are polar opposites... your mindset is way toooooooooooo materialistic for me. But you are stalking this blog because you fight your beliefs within.... so maybe you only want to be convinced after all. Thats too much work for me
The Higgs Fake – How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee is a merciless critique of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and of the theoretical model on which the world’s most expensive experiment is based. Unzicker, a German physicist and award-winning science writer, argues that the reaction of the Swedish Academy to last year’s discovery appears to be a result of being beguiled by CERN’s attempts to justify the billions of dollars of public money being spent.
actually I am going to make a blog about this hoax soon
So, no special spirit then...
can you produce a regular old spirit maybe? Nothing fancy, just a run of the mill one?
If you can't, well then your statement that spirit is the opposite of matter is hogwash.
As to your author....sigh.
If he had any disproof of the higgs boson, a peer reviewed paper describing such would be in order. Not a book to the public that has no capability of deciding if his arguments are valid.
No, no paper? Higgs boson not disproved? Imagine my surprise...
most will not speak against the academic cartel because they are afraid to lose their jobs...some are speaking out eventually. When a cartel is involved always listen to alternative povs
Physicists Demand LHC Shut Down After Higgs And Higgs Nonsense July 4th 2012
... your peer review FINANCED by and for the cartel? There is a lot about it, and enough evidence when following the money. Money financing science delays real knowledge https://www.science20.com/alpha_meme/physicists_demand_lhc_shut_down_after_higgs_and_higgs_nonsense-91748