The Dystopian Reality Of Cheapness

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

All monetary theories ever crafted committed the same mistake to embrace the mantra of "man managing nature and his fellow humans as commodities" which is why we the meritocratic rule is keeping us into servitude mode. Money is their tool and we can use the same tool to end this century old abuse. Competing for it would end up replacing them with newer monopolies -- but throwing in the towel gradually to make sure we can reorganize and stand ready to help our neighbors during the transition to rebuild society anew.

With monetarism there cannot be anything cheap because everybody follows the money, until eventually a brick wall shows up. The concept of voluntary trade is skewed and cannot be because of that: selfishness and greed, created by the mere presence of money, stand in the way.

The Inherent Flaws In Monetarism Will Always Break The Law Of Equilibrium :

Here is an example: as plastic pollution gains more and more attention these days, many internet links will point to Asia and Africa as major culprits for dumping plastic waste into the oceans and rivers. But the story does not stop here as you may guess: to save a few millions of dollars and euros, EU and the US have shipped their own plastic waste for decades to China, which has a long history of industrial pollution because western corps are relocated there and demand regulations in their favor, so they can pocket even BIGGER profits.... so whose fault is it and more importantly, where is the voluntary aspect in all this now that we all are being threatened, and how cheap was it to choose such a solution in the end?

Such a dynamics is embedded in all trades: cheap investments and abuse are an absolute priority. The obvious abuse of Nature and humans working for slave wages (and all the misery coming along with it). This is what happens when one tries to take out more than what one puts in. In an ideal case scenario, the input and output must balance themselves (and there wouldn't be any rich nor poor), but it will never happen that way because profits are an end motive and result. And this means that there cannot be any voluntary trade.

The Voluntaryism Versus Capitalism Debate, Peter Joseph vs Stephan Molyneux :

Amid all that, we also ought to analyze a real distortion promoting moral relativism. Who is the most enslaved: sweatshop workers or the clients at the other end, thinking they make good deals? After a closer look there is no much difference: buyers are the enablers and in the long, chickens always come back home to roost. It just is a matter of time. If the enablers stop enabling it, stores in their own countries, will begin to shut down and create a domino effect rippling through the economy. But the other scenario is that "fast fashion designers" are getting completely blinded by their profits and end up planting the seeds of their own demise. In the end we ALL pay.

H&M, a Fashion Giant, Has a Problem: $4.3 Billion in Unsold Clothes | March 27, 2018

This to say that when we support or accept unethical premises, it affects us all in many ways because we all are interconnected. Living off of one another does not work and never will, and it absolutely is self-evident today that we must quit this behavior.


Nestle Says Requirement to Report Use of Slave Labor Would Cost Consumers More Money
A new anti-slavery bill requiring companies to investigate and report on their supply chains to prevent modern slavery will lead to consumers paying more, according to Nestle. .... Late last month, Nestle issued a warning against proposed legislation that would require them to report on their efforts to weed out slavery within their company. The company says the cost of checking to see if they are forcing people to work against their will end up being passed on to the consumer.... MORE/ September 6, 2018

How Nestle Makes Billions Bottling Free Water
Nestle, the world’s largest food and beverage company, bottles Michigan’s water for next to nothing and sells it at great profit. And the state has just approved its request to pump even more, despite the failed promise of jobs

Nestle Chairman Says Water Cannot Be Free – A 280,000% Mark Up For A Bottle That Requires 3 Times The Amount Of Water To Be Made

Who's Really Paying for Our Cheap Clothes?

Manly P. Hall – How Karma Works @49:30mns: … we try to get further by the love of Truth as we try to understand it. The moment our emotions are warm, kindly and friendly, we recognize the inevitable tie between all living things. When this begins to sink in our consciousness, we find that Love takes the place of Law in many things. But Love is the fulfillment of Law, not an escape from it. If the Love is real, the Law will not be broken. If the Love is unreal the Law will be broken and the Love will fail (available on youtube)


Wow this is actually pretty scary. For sharing.......and freaking me out.

yes it is, many people are unaware... but thanks for coming by

dont borther, uvas is a stalker and still lives in his childlike capitalist ideal that cannot and never will materialize.

Please do not hesitate to research all the data that I am sharing

Don't be freaked out. Earthcustodians just likes to whip up drama to get a few more upvotes.

There cannot be anything cheap in monetarism

Sigh...ever see a dollar store?

Voluntary trade has worked for thousands of years. It will continue to work for thousands of years. If free trade was a dead end, it would have dead ended thousands of years ago. Yet, it goes on every day. Even you are taking part. You are offering these bullshit posts for public consumption. And a couple of people reward you with an upvote. Then you put in your bot hashtag, and your little army of bots upvote you, giving you more rewards for your effort. You freely offer your bullshit, and people freely upvote you. They are happy with their new bit of nonsense, and you are happy with your added bit of cryptocurrency. No walls are being built, everyone is happier after the trade.

Thank you for doing your part in helping capitalism thrive and survive. :-D