I'm so annoyed that more people aren't speaking about this blatently obvious truth. A while back I got into an argument with someone claiming to be from Venezuela about this topic. They basically claimed the obvious reason I was wrong was because they were from Venezuela... like... really?
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Of course living here gives you a bigger picture. You KNOW what is actually happening. You can't give an opinion based on what the news says, this goes with either sides. I've been witness of how maduro manipulates media, I'm a photojournalist and I have colleagues in jail, friends in jail, many others have had to flee the country. So I'm not talking based on media, I'm talking from personal experience.
I'm not saying that the other side is transparent in what happens.One thing is what is said in the media, and another is to actually live it and suffer it. Venezuela is hell right now. And let me tell you something, we are not so stupid to believe the US is "helping" just because they are kind. No one in politics is kind. Everything they do is with a hidden agenda. But hey, I mean, me already have 3 countries sucking everything from us, russia, china and cuba. It comes down to the least worst.
Just don't base your hypothesis on media. You have to understand one thing first of all. This right here, is NOT SOCIALISM. So. If if you take away the whole "left" thing out of the picture, would you still think the same way? Cause every time I come across someone backing up Maduro, it's because of an idealism.
I don't care about left or right. This is about real people! I care about people dying and not being able to eat. And Maduro denying it even happening.
I'm not sure why you think I would disagree with anything you just said. The pressure America is putting on Maduro is no doubt making him act even more corrupt than normal.
I consider him a greedy fool. He had the chance to make a real decentralized crypto that could have saved the whole country, but instead he went full greed made made that Petro garbage and shoved it down everyone's throats.
Now people are resorting to the barter system in the 21st century... there's so much unacceptable and needless suffering going on.
Maybe because you wrote this:
It has always been easy to defend socialism while living in a non socialist country.
You also mention:
Do you think conspiracy nutjobs are good references when understanding geopolitics?
Socialism always ends in totalitarianism, Venezuela is not the exception, besides, the regime is involved with Hezbollah and other criminal organizations.
You claim to defend blockchain and all the freedom it can bring, but you defend a regime that imposed a currency exchange control over its people and has been expropriating (stealing) companies for years? Socialism is anti freedom, just because America (a great country in many ways, btw) are their enemies, you shouldn't do mental gymnastics to defend these totalitarian murderers.
Also, Venezuelan people are kidnapped, they cannot get rid of these totalitarians by their own because guns are forbidden by the government, and elections are completely rigged.
Luckily the rest of the freedom lover countries understand this and soon enough they will destroy these people by force.
Yes, I would consider a "conspiracy nutjob" to have a better understanding of geopolitics than most people. These people are naturally global thinkers. They know that money rules the world and they extrapolate that knowledge to explain how the world works.
The problem with extrapolation and global thinking is that you can often assume incorrect foundations and find yourself in a place where you are building conspiracy theories on very little fact.
No, I don't.
America doesn't have enemies. America has slaves, and some of those slaves resist and need to be put back into their place. The financial bonds of debt-slavery surround 99.9% of the population.
You sound like a walking talking propaganda bot. America financially enslaves as many countries as it can and calls it freedom. We have destabilized country after country in the name of "freedom". It's sad so many people believe these lies and even propagate them.
You can't fight the government with guns. They have tanks and planes and drones and surveillance spy networks. Guns are laughable. The second amendment of the US constitution is a laughable joke under the purpose of its original intent.
You don't sound like a Venezuelan.
You sound like a brainwashed pro-war American.
No? Have you ever say something against maduros regime?
What is sadder is seeing people pretend they support freedom while defending a totalitarian regime. Of course America has a lot of issues that should be discussed, but you aren’t recognizing that the Venezuelan people have been kidnapped by a criminal organization for years. How do you think this problem can be solved?
If you think Venezuelans can fix this disaster by their own, they can’t, there is simply no solution without international help. Individuals should be able to own guns if they wish, don’t you agree?
Sure, it is a much better idea having the government controlling all of the guns. Every totalitarian regime forbids its citizens the ownerships of guns, you should know that.
Brainwashed you say? Answer this, how would you fix the Venezuelan problem? Prove how ignorant you are about this issue and propose your solution, if you have any... which I know you don’t.
If the U.S.Government never interfered with Venezuela, and didn't infringe on this Countries Sovereignty through sanctions, coup's etc. and Venezuela was in the state it is today naturally, that would be the only truthful way you could say Socialism destroyed Venezuela. There Alt media has been strangely co-opted and quite a few people are parroting lies on Venezuela without addressing the truth that it was the U.S. Government that destroyed this country the same way it destroyed Iran's in 1953! Thanks for the comment Edicted.
Are you aware the Maduro's regime stole billions of dollar from Venezuela through the oil company and through the currency exchange control?
Are you aware that's why some sanctions were applied to the people involved in those crimes? Sanctions aren't against Venezuela, but against selected government officials.
For example check the previous oil minister of Venezuela, he has to pay more than 1 billion dollars due to fraudulent activity https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-ramirez/u-s-judge-rules-former-venezuelan-oil-minister-owes-1-4-billion-idUSKCN1Q401J
As always, defending socialists regimes is easy while living in a non socialist country.
Thank goodness the necessary measures will be taken soon and freedom should be restored, just like what happened in Panama.
At least the remaining few without a central bank...
Absolutely Paradigm, just followed you, thanks for commenting.
I don’t remember where I heard, but I think it was a movie....
“The Devil’s greatest trick is making the World believe he doesn’t exist.”
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