I seriously don't even know where to start.
I should have posted some of this yesterday but there is just so much shit going on.

For starters, @justinsunsteemit continues to double down. He is 100% downvoting all content on the Steem blockchain that opposes him and he is directly censoring Hive witnesses from Steemit.com frontend. The Steem blockchain appears to be currently down right now, and he might even be trying to push his hardfork through to give himself and the exchanges that fabled quick powerdown while the rest of us hold our bags looking to dump.
Exchanges still haven't opened deposits so I can't dump my 3.2k liquid coins. Not that it matters now that the blockchain appears to be bricked at the moment. Don't be surprised if it boots back up with a hardfork implemented. JK Steem is back up... nothing has changed... the witnesses and Tron team are just incompetent. Phew!
Other random posts are getting censored on Steemit.com as well. An addition to the Terms Of Service was even added to Steemit.com pretty much giving Sun free reign to block whatever he wants. I wonder if he plans to bring Steemit.com to China and not abandon it. The censorship would certainly make it a nice addition to their toolbox.
Wow that song sucks!
The Hive joke/reference wasn't worth it.
You can blame my roommate for playing this song while I was blogging.
Let's see... what else...
Oh right. Corona Virus.
More and more this shit looks to be a planned demolition of the current infrastructure.
This is 9/11 2.0
This is the Patriot Act 2.0
I watched this entire 43 minute video...
It was worth it.
- Cash is being eliminated.
- The central banks are making a play to own everything.
- All fiat is set to hyper inflate with a new global currency being booted up to reign supreme (maybe).
- This is the ultimate power grab.
Don't believe it?
It sure is Scary Larry!
Remember why we are shutting down all these business due to COVID-19?
Because they care so much about the sanctity of human life! It's because the people making these big decisions care about those people who would otherwise die, and they are willing to tank the economy for those poor people. They are willing to lose money for those poor people.
If you already know they don't give a fuck, then why are they shutting down all the businesses except for "critical services" like Amazon and Costco? Because the people making these decisions are going to profit massively off of all these shutdowns. This will be the biggest power grab in the history of humanity. Get in front of this bull shit.
Of course, the only way to get in front of it is holding out hope that crypto is a safe haven. Maybe we should all get a little gold as well. I guess that means I'm preaching to the choir here, but no one out in the real world is going to listen to me... so... damn
- The middle class is being fully eliminated.
- Small businesses are being fully eliminated.
- This is all by design.
They do not give a fuck about saving lives.
- They care about money.
- We all know this.
- Why are we questioning now what their motives are?
- We already know.
- People are expendable.

Why are they only letting 20 people into grocery stores at a time. Are they prepping the population for Greatest Depression ration lines? Does only letting 20 people into a store really stop the virus from spreading? It's not like they are stopping people from picking up produce and other products and then putting it back on the shelf.
This whole social distancing thing is bull shit.
You don't get sick because you stood closer than 6 feet next to someone. You get sick because you touched a door nob, a shared appliance, or ANYTHING WITH THE VIRUS ON IT. Standing 6 feet away from someone as they plaster COVID-19 all over a mango at the store isn't going to stop the contagion from spreading. Wake up.
This is the same elaborate theater that airport security enforces: to produce the illusion of security under the guise of something much more sinister.
This is a controlled demolition.
Just like 911. I know a lot of people don't believe that, but a lot of people also don't know a damn thing about the PRECISE SCIENCE involved in controlled demolitions. Look it up. Click that link! I made it two years ago. Do you think it's an accident that 2 of the main videos I used as supporting evidence are no longer available on YouTube? Get real.
It's happening again.
And by the looks of it, this is going to be way worse than some pussy ass terrorist attack.
Seriously, this bullshit hasn't even begun.
How many people live paycheck to paycheck? 60%? We haven't even got to the first fucking paycheck yet. Just you wait.

Working is now a privilege.
I've never dared spoken these words before on my blog, but I work part time as a manual labor drone at Amazon. Let me tell you, they are making out fat. I can work as many hours a week as I want AND we're getting a $2 raise during this crisis. I never thought I'd say I'm one of the lucky ones being able to slave away for a corporation while everyone else gets totally fucked. Mind blowing.
I also still need a hardware wallet as well.
I'm even considering asking HR to deposit my wages directly into my Coinbase account via Bitcoin as a joke just to see what they say.
- Fuck Coinbase.
- Fuck Goldman-Sachs
- Fuck Binance.
This isn't over.
This has only just begun.
Yep, they shut the doors where I work two days ago. I'm on the hunt to be one of the lucky ones. Once the National Guard is in place, workers will be even luckier and have their traveling permission papers and get to enjoy the scenery to and from the job.
The Greatest Depression.
Make American Great Again. Yep.
Only one small deviation from your analysis
T.H.E.Y. do not care for money.
T.H.E.Y. want control.
Money gives them power, which makes them think they have control.
T.H.E.Y. want darkness to descend on the world.
T.H.E.Y. want Lucifer to win.
T.H.E.Y. can't get these goals by just killing people, people reincarnate.
So, T.H.E.Y. work at making everyone's life miserable. To sew dissension and controversy. To make everyone feel as if God has abandoned them and they lose hope.
T.H.E.Y. have been at this a very long time.
Any one of the families could set the price of gold at $10 an ounce forever. (selling to individuals not banks)
I can't argue with your assessment of the situation, but it may be a bit more simple than that. However, the end results will be the same, no matter the actual reason for the use of this bioweapon.
Crypto will only ever be as good as our ability to use it for the things that we need or want. If it cannot be used to trade for goods or services, it's useless.
Is coinbase still working as a fiat gateway?
I assume coinbase is still working.
Haven't made a deposit in a while.
As for crypto's complete lack of infrastructure.
This fiasco is going to kick that dynamic into overdrive.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Let's hope the ISPs aren't in on it.
But srsly, crypto is only useful if you have internet access to it. Sure you could theoretically make a transaction with passenger pigeons, but be realistic.
Without mesh networks we have no speech at all, because we can't reach each other. Without mesh networks we have no crypto at all.
Crypto, in it's present form, is no less vulnerable to bankster control than your job.
My village is pretty much shut down - except for the tourist traps that are raking in ducats from spring breakers while infecting all the local servers.
After spring break, we'll wake up to new institutional structures, and the lucky ones will be herded into the cities. A global government will rule the internet with an iron fist, and that means crypto won't work.
Crypto failed to enable functional markets to form outside of bankster control, and now it is too late to do that.
Regarding the proximate cause for this overthrow of civil society, don't make the mistake of thinking there's no danger from the pandemic. DRACO enables those that matter to be immune, and one of the primary goals of the globalist banksters is dramatic depopulation, so a real pandemic is the perfect tool.
It's not the flu. It's airborne AIDS, sterilization, and hooks into your nerves like Herpes too. I've linked to the actual research that scientists have published during this outbreak on my blog. The enemedia and WHO want as many people as possible to get this virus, and that's why they don't mention these symptoms, because folks that are facing negligible risk from the flu symptoms would actually care if they knew they could get AIDS from it, or be sterilized.
Prepare for martial law, but don't fail to be prepared to remain uninfected by a pandemic almost as infectious as the measles.
Be free.
Short-Wave HAM Radio Internet, someday I hope.
Binance opened Steem deposits and withdrawals thought id let you guys know.
I am very grateful to @fulltimegeek for rehive your wonderful articles. Waiting for another masterpiece. Now, I'm following you!
let's see if the potential of our crypto world manifests. Or if it just gets criminalized and everyone is scared to touch it. But for now it seems like the only way out on this attack. Not sure if paranoia is coming up, or hard reality.
yeah every country experiencing down at the moment because of this corona. While Justin it goes together with that virus. I think he's a virus in steem as well.
well, people always care about money. They didn't care about lives as long as they can save their wealth.
Binance has reenabled steem deposits. I just dumped.
You should be able to dump on Bittrex/ Biteeu / Ionomy and RuDEX ! Have fun! ;)
Binance Steem Deposit/ Withdrawal also works again.
It is true. They are milking a mild virus for all it is worth. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
And the sheeple keep tuning in to CNN, FOX, and MSNBC to be programmed about it.
It is really unbelievable how foolish the majority of people are.
The fear-mongering is real. People at work are terrified of getting the flu and dying; Healthy and young people with no risk factors. They aren't looking any farther than that. I'll write a post tomorrow about all the theatrics they are implementing to make it seem like they "care about safety".
Awwwwww, that's not fair, lol, Nicki Minaj can tell me something, she is kind of cute, but at least we were able to escape with something in this new Hive and PeakD world while Steem Tron Overlord Justin Sun continues making trouble in dee neighborhood like an evil Mister Fred Rogers.
If all that is true, it’s all the more reason to build strong communities and build up trust between members and between different communities. There is no other way out of this mess.
Oh and get that ledger, it feels so good to not have everything on your PC
You can thrive in any situation, it is only your perception of reality.
They're even trying to manipulate their own figures ! ffs lol (the W.H.O.)
Check out the claculations they try...
con virus, a good name for it.
Agreed! I beg to differ only in one aspect I think that the shitty government system has plenty of people that DO actually care about human lives BUT the way they try to help them actually dmg them (as always...DUUH) and those that only strive for power make good use of that.
Also in our country we have one small super good alcohol distillery. Its run by one guy and every here knows him (cuz he’s super good...like honestly). This guy decided to produce free disinfection for hospitals and people alike (cuz we ae obviously running out of it) and it was fuckin labelled illegal and he was forced to stop his charity.
Fuck the system
Opt out
Long live crypto
lol made it illegal... course they did. no crisis is too great for red tape.