
Relevance:discussionCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Unfortunatly this is not new and USA have lots of responsibility in the actual panorama
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Great post! Don't forget Turkey and the UAE.......And of course, we can't forget isisrael!!!


O yeah...big time my friend! I'm so pissed off about Libya, fuck NATO!!

ah yes the dirty truth. governments just have too much power.


We allow it all. I think folks are beginning to sense a change but it is such a mindscrew that it creates fear. When people are afraid they tend to look outside themselves for answers if at the expense of their god given freedoms.


Getting the info out is making a difference. Good work. Peace and Love and Liberty

So true. Wars are never really started because of religion or colour or ideologies, they are started because of greed, of the rich few who wants something that someone else has.
Yes eventually the masses are herded into believing that they are fighting for their religion or colour or ideology, but that is only so the greedy can justify their conquest and cul back on their own population (which if it kept growing would be uncontrollable).

Politics was only invented so the rich few could control a country instead of one person (Kings or Queens). So as long as we follow the propaganda of the elite rich and powerful, believing that they are Gods with our best interests at heart, we will always be cannon fodder for spoilt fools who love committing genocide legally.

Wow! I'm seeing this from a different perspective now.

The United States seems to love the Mujahadeen more than Allah does.