What reality tv were you watching, @dynamicshine? Haha!!! You should quickly switch to Bloomberg or any documentary channel when there's a chance that your husband walks past and sees you. Haha!!! Just kidding!!!
I totally agree with him, though. Don't watch them. They're just a bunch of garbage.
@elamental, news programs are reality TV. Too much drama and too much hypocrisy. But I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that most of them actually report the truth of what really goes on behind closed doors of those seated in the government, and not just trying to ruin someone's credibility and reputation.
Hubby is always watching Bloomberg A LOT! to the point i got jealous one time because I thought he just wants to see that Korean news anchor! ahahaha
I was watching "60 Days In" last year. I just got curious lol. I wanted to compare the jail system between the US and in the Ph. I got hooked up watching whahah.. i dont know why.. just one of the craziness in me i guess! XD