Jonathan Easley of The Hill publication reported on 4/27/18 that former DNI James Clapper discussed the Trump dossier with Jake Tapper of CNN in 2017.
The House Intelligence Committee released on Friday a the results of their investigation into Russian medlging and found no Trump Russia collusion, which some Democrats have attacked the committee as partisan. Clapper may have initially denied leaking to the media, but may have later revealed he had discussed the Dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.
Harry Shearer has a good song about James Clapper's least untruthful asnwer but cant seem to find it on youtube, perhaps somewhere on his personal site. Clapper first denied there was mass surveillance and then admitted he responded in the least untruthful manner concerning his mass surveillance testimony--so he may not value truth very highly.
The Hill reports Clapper has asserted some LEO and intelligence are "under assault" by president Trump, which seems like quite a claim, I wonder how Trump is attacking people? It is interesting all the stuff going on and one might wonder how it will all play out and what people will think of these people and events 5, 10 and 50 years from now, especially if it takes over half a century to declassify the documents about our world today.
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In other words @fatkat, two of the most dishonest news sources teamed up to give a dishonest report. I wonder what the outcome was... Oh wait, a big fat dishonest lie. I still don't know why these guys are taken seriously
pretty much, will be interesting how all this plays out, hope you are doing well empress!!
Definitely interesting. Am great... You guys inspire me to keep fighting for the truth... It's nice to have like minds around
yea steems dope, checking out @suzi3d and @elizbethleavos "Deciper You" on youtube right now pretty interesting
These swamp rats are all the same. Lie, and when that doesn't work, lie some more. NEVER, EVER admit wrongdoing, and just keep on lying.
If it's true that some LEO and intelligence people are under assault by president Trump, it could well be because they SHOULD BE.... duh? Why wouldn't that occur to these morons?? Actually, you don't have to answer that, because it's pretty self evident.
These people truly believe they are above the law, can do no wrong, and can't be punished when they do do wrong.
(Upvoted for hard news...always my favorite.)
Yea, my thoughts too, if Trump is really attackign them then probably a legitimate reason--otherwise would not be kosher to attack the reputations of people with no evidence. Thanks for your thoughts.
NP...wish I could trust Trump fully too, but that's another story....
Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @fatkat
Follow my blog @powerupme
glad you are enjoying it, hope things are going well!!
Why Trump is here again? He's really getting more and more popular when it comes to issues haha
yea, seems like he just stays in the news a lot, it's an interesting time
What's going on in the political circles of America is really confusing for an outsider like me.
yea, it's interesting, thats how they got nearly 1% of us behind bars, many for victimless conduct.
In my opinion, Jamie clapper is really a most untruthful person. The dossier will soon be public, no matter how hard they try to hide it from the people. the truth will be unleashed sooner or later. Hope we can find it sooner.
one of the greatest liars of all times it seems thanks for your thoughts was nothing. 😊
c'est la vie, hope you are finding your audience here on steem
Thnaks mate
Nobody believes CNN anymore. The crap news network only has viewers in airport transit halls and old age homes.
yep, can't wait until they shut their doors would be a great day for humanity
Relevance: Sharing the truth.Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Upvote and rsteemit my dear friends
thansk glad you liked it, hope the week is going well!!
Thanks for sharing this informationwar news
thank you yea just rying to report what i find interesting in the public sphere
Your very good post and great information
good job boss @fatkat
thanks, glad you are enjoying it, will try to keep it up
great post sir..
thank you trying to do what i can, hope steem is going well for you
Gosh to much great post. keep it up bro.
thanks trying to do daily as much as i can hope it's going well
If you're not caught, you're not a thief.
not sure about that, seems like still a thief if u steal
Nice post
thanks recommend adding more content so not just comment for any post