From Anne Marie Waters, Party Leader.

in #informationwar3 years ago

From Anne Marie Waters, Party Leader.

13th July 2022

I am writing to you today with some very important news. I know you may be disappointed by this news, but I also hope you’ll understand the decision.

For Britain has decided to cease operations as a political party with immediate effect.

This has been a very difficult decision but one that must be taken.

There are a couple of important reasons for this decision, certainly from my own perspective.

Firstly, support for patriotic politics has collapsed, at least publicly, in recent years. This does not mean that the people don’t agree with us, it simply means they have stopped offering support – especially public support. So successful has been the campaign of fear and propaganda by our opponents, that many people believe that to aspire to live in a democratic nation-state is an act of hatred. It is not.

Many believe that politics is corrupt by its very nature, and while this may be true to an extent, the current conduct of politics is worse than I’ve known it in my lifetime, and has rapidly deteriorated in the 18 years that I have been involved.

Masked black-clad activists who intimidate people and threaten (and use) violence against opponents, are now commonplace. Such thugs have the support of the mainstream media and mainstream politics.

Those of us who believe in the nation-state and a return to evidence-based policy based on a firm moral foundation, are routinely smeared as racists and Nazis and never afforded a sufficient right of reply. We are not allowed to attend events and if we do, we can expect to be met with a violent mob.

Our democracy has therefore collapsed.

More and more British people have abandoned party politics altogether. Those who do vote tend to opt for the status quo. If we combined all votes received by small parties in recent elections, we still would not come close to threatening the establishment. Support across the board has collapsed, it is a sad indicator of the death of our democracy.

Since Covid, things have gotten steadily worse. This followed by the cost of living crisis means people have re-prioritised and are unable to continue to support us financially.

From my own perspective, I have decided to take a break from electoral politics, though as I’ve always promised, I will never give up fighting.

I will return to politics when the country is ready, but for now my energies can be better spent. I intend to return to my roots and seek to educate our country about the incompatible cultures that grow in strength and presence every day. To this end, I will revisit Sharia Watch. I will continue to make videos, write articles, and I will update my grooming gang report from 2015. I will examine what has happened since that time.

Perhaps most importantly; last year on a livestream I mentioned my intention to start a support service for victims of rape and sexual assault. This will be my primary work – but only with your support.

The service I will create (and I have been making steps on this for some months) will provide support groups, person-to-person counseling, and a unique service for rape survivors who wish to report their attack to the police.

I will personally accompany rape victims to police stations and record every move made by police, and hold them to account for it.

I will document all of this, and more, and make sure the British public, and our politicians, are fully informed.

This means I can go right to the source and offer real and important help to people who will be harmed by the huge influx of migrants and the lack of justice for victims of sex offences.

I will call upon my experience in law, and indeed in victim support, to take this work forward. I will keep everyone informed of my work in this area via articles and videos.

I can only do this with your support. If you can spare just one or two pounds per month, I can spend as much time as possible on this project. If you can support me with this, please do let me know.

Once again, I know some of you will be very disappointed by this, but I’m in no doubt it is the right thing to do at this time.

I hope you stay connected and remain a firm family of truth-tellers – people with courage and strong morals.

I will return to politics as a stronger and more experienced advocate for the British people. But for now, I must go to the people who are directly harmed and do all I can to help them.

I cannot put in to words how grateful I am to have had this most incredible experience. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your hard work and your support.

I feel thoroughly blessed by my life and For Britain has been an era of such significance that I will always remember it, and very fondly.

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The party will cease functioning straight away, but I will begin other projects immediately and keep you updated.

Members, if you pay via standing order please contact your bank to stop payments. The process of closing everything down has started today. If you need help then please email Sharon on [email protected]

Thank you for some of the greatest years of my life.

Anne Marie


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