Let me give you my definitions. I understand that this is not how many people from the "science religion" will see things. When I talk about metaphysics, I am actually not inferring that it is inferior or superior, it is just different.
Science is based on a few fundamental principles. It creates a theory that is predictive, then these predictions are confronted with experiments. These experiments must be reproducible and the outcome does not depend on the scientist making the experiment.
This is crucial since it means that all scientist can agree on objective statements. As long as science is not corrupted anyone can participate in this procedure. All scientific statements can be independently verified and there is no central authority. Consensus is reached after extensive debates and experiments and that process takes about 10 to 20 years.
Metaphysics is fundamentally different. We are no longer looking at the world as a closed experiment, but realise we are ourselves part of the experiment. There is no more objective outside position. The outcomes of experiments depend on the person doing the experiment.
This change of perspective from physics to metaphysics is so huge that entirely different approaches are requires to gain information. For this reason I like to separate the two as much as possible. If physics ever includes consciousness, it will be so different that I think we should not even call it physics anymore.