Meh, or we could teach our children that it is wrong to use violence to attain our goals.
We would have to make large societal changes to be consistent, but it can be done.
Meh, or we could teach our children that it is wrong to use violence to attain our goals.
We would have to make large societal changes to be consistent, but it can be done.
We Do That Already:
Historically, people did that. People do do that all the time. We teach children to do good. Even the best parents can have bad children.
People have freewill. No matter what you do, people still choose violence at times and some more than others. When you try to take the guns like Hitler did, you tie people's hands up.
Free Born Hitler
So, you become Hitler when you fail to promote self-defense which includes the right to bear arms. Otherwise, tyranny can conquer you. That is why they always try to steal the firearms from the citizens of a country before invading via authoritarianism and communism and fascism and everything.
America is unique to many countries. That is why I don't want too many people in the United States. Because they are not compatible. They have different goals. They prefer authoritarianism as a way having peace through collectivism. So, I love walls. I want to do what I want to do. I love freedom. That is why people have tall fences around their land and yards. I like privacy.
Meaning to Life
I like making choices independently of other people. That is the meaning to life. It is love. It is life. To make choices. That is the original green oatmeal.