Operation Mockingbird 2018 trying to wag the dog about gun control

in #informationwar7 years ago

Headline: Florida Shooting: 50 Percent of Americans Now Want Nationwide Ban on Assault Weapons, Poll Shows

From Newsweek

(above the text of the article was an autoplay video of a teenage Sinéad O'Connor impersonator yelling about the president)

Half of Americans would back a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons, a new poll shows, with the majority of respondents also stating President Donald Trump is not doing enough to prevent mass shootings.

No, half of 808 the Americans in your poll, taken just after a tragedy would ban something called "assault weapons", without even knowing what they are, and these are not just any Americans, they are they type who answer telephone surveys, in 2018.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll was conducted following the deadly mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, which left at least 17 people dead and others injured.
Of the 808 adults surveyed from February 15 to 18, 62 percent of people do not think the president is doing enough to prevent mass shootings, with 77 percent believing Congress is not doing enough to tackle the problem.

One wonders what they expect them to do exactly, these people who answer telephone polls. Trump hasn't opened fire on 5th Avenue as far as I know. Trump didn't make the FBI incompetent and/or malicious.

And, in a result that demonstrates the country’s divide on gun control issues, 50 percent of Americans polled said they would support a total ban on the sale of assault weapons; with 71 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of Republicans backing a ban.

Indeed about half of Americans generally favor more gun control while the other half favor less. That is pretty consistent, about half of Americans are of below average intelligence. Note that there is a 50/50 split among Americans ever after the media has promoted one side to the best of their ability. Also they forgot to mention the +/-4% margin of error, maybe only 46% of Americans favor that.

But despite the significant support for a ban on assault weapons sales, the majority of people (57 percent) identified mass shootings as a reflection of the problems in identifying and treating mental health problems, while just 28 percent believed mass shootings were a reflection of inadequate gun control laws.

Whoa! Talk about burying the lead, where are the calls for action on that? This is good, it lets me know that this current distraction will fail like so many others before it. Maybe congress can get in gear with national reciprocity.

(The Original article included a heart-rending picture of a teacher's funeral)

Following the Florida school shooting, Trump has faced calls by survivors of the massacre to take a stand on gun control, with "a number of student" activists demanding that politicians take action rather than sending “thoughts and prayers.”

"a number of" this is how they imply that somehow this is a grass roots effort with wide, if not universal, support. One is a number, two is a number. And of course by "take action" they mean a gun ban, but they don't say that. Who could disagree with taking action right? Like when they had their last brain dead martyr call to "dooo something".


In a moving address at a gathering to remember those who had lost their lives in the attack, high school senior Emma Gonzalez addressed the reticence of politicians who had received donations from the NRA to impose tougher gun control laws.
“If the president wants to come up to me and tell me to my face that it was a 'terrible tragedy' and how it should never have happened and maintain telling us how nothing is going to be done about it, I'm going to happily ask him how much money he received from the NRA,” she said in her Saturday speech.

They played this clip above, I guess somehow it was essential to include that clip and also a transcript of what one grief stricken child said in this story about a poll. A poll that shows that most Americans have caught on that all these shooters seem to be on psychiatric drugs that "May cause suicidal thoughts or actions" a warning guns are not required to come with.

What do you think they are trying to distract us from?

Check out some of my other recent posts:

Some of my favorite things progressives would want to ban if they knew they existed and are legal.
Soros Groups Launch Children's Crusade Against Civil Rights
Anti-civil rights activists launch children's crusade against guns
The Gun Debate in 6 Charts
My response to "Daily Opinion #7: Gun laws in the US need to be revised"


No one is talking about 'the memo', 'uranium one' , or the dhmikrats shenanigans in the last election any more are they? Nope....that got erased completely from the radar didn't it?

Stop the presses! a bald teenage girl is upset about something!

Yep. We just had a GLORIOUS victory in Nevada... Cliven who? Ammon what? The narrative is always so carefully managed...

Relevance: Protecting Our 2nd Ammendment
Our PurposeCurated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

Thanks @funbobby51 for Taking a #STAND against propaganda!


I'm torn on this issue. It's evident to me that we live in an inherently violent society, based on the monopoly of force granted our govt. While we castigate citizens that resort to it, we openly applaud its official use. Are guns the problem? On the one hand no, but obviously, absent a firearm "mass shootings" could not happen. I'm not in favor of gun control, but I am in favor of a serious discussion about violence and the poor value we put on human life. On a side note, I've been wondering how our Russian and Chinese neighbors, among others that might hope for us to fail as a nation, view this. With nearly 90% as many guns as we have people, the US is seen as an unassailable target for military incursion. There are two groups that might wish this to be different, our overreaching, and increasingly authoritarian and invasive govt would love to have a more subservient populace. Meanwhile, any enemies we've created in the world, would love to see the US converted into a soft-target. To me, this is the problem of living in a world where violence is seen as a viable solution. It only breeds more violence, ultimately, and it's only a game you can win, so long as you maintain dominance, which means you must become the thing you hope to defeat. There are no winners in this discussion to my way of thinking, meanwhile, cops continue to either be violent thugs that beat down unarmed citizens on the street, or useless cowards, that cower outside a school building while a maniac takes lives on the other side of the wall. Great post! I was just stopping by to say hi, thanks for your recent support, and leave you a little upvote and comment. Stop by for more stories and contests any time! @markrmorrisjr

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I was buying a gun today and the salesman was a former student of the middle school I used to teach in, as we were waiting for the government to approve me to buy a gun, even thought they already have, I asked him if I was right about my feeling that any student there could send a text and get a gun in 20 minutes and he confirmed that was the case. Gun control laws are all pretty much useless because of that.
What works really well is to target people who commit crimes with guns and take them off the streets and when they get out to pay them to become decent citizens. About 1 in 10,000 people is a habitual gun criminal and those guys are the ones committing 90+% of gun homicides. It makes no sense to make a law that the criminals will ignore and will just be a hassle for the 9,999 people.

Huh, that's an interesting stat, where did you get it? Because, frankly, it smells like something you pulled out of a certain somewhere, if you'll pardon my saying so.

LOL, I'm not that creative. Use whatever sources you trust to look up "Richmond gun violence program"

So, you have no source. That's what I thought. Okay, thanks.

Oh, so you are just calling me a liar then, because you didn't want to investigate for yourself? It's pretty lame in the internet age, I gave you the search terms, was I supposed to go find a link for you? am I supposed to know what sources you will like and find credible?
here is a link for you:

Well, right, see, here's the thing. I've not offered any argument, merely asked you to back up the "facts" you stated in reply to my comment. And no, I didn't call you a liar. I said your stats are fiction. I make shit up for a living, it's cool with me, but call it what it is.

And yes, when you quote statistics, the burden is on your to provide some sort of factual basis for them. You're writing a hell of a lot of "news-ish" articles here, hardly any of which are even moderately sourced, except from highly opinionated echo chamber blogs and sources. You don't really interest me all that much, because statism is on the way out, as it should be, but you're not exactly a reliable source of information.

Hey! I'm glad you commented on one of my posts, otherwise I wouldn't have found your feed. Your stuff is good, keep it up.

It's getting more and more fun since the Trump election to watch the MSM melt down and the typical "ship in the crying liberals so we can remove our rights" skit being openly trashed on all corners of the internet. I really wonder what's going to happen to the MSM when elderly generation, which is the only generation watching them, finally dies off. Ultimately, the Boomer Question will solve itself. :D

Nice breakdown. "Newspeak interpreter" ought to be a job these days...

Thank you ma'am, I think with steemit.com it just might be my new job! professional online disambiguation technician.

Oh, that has a ring to it...

One sad part about this poll is they will still quote it months from now, when people have come to their senses and the new polls reflect that.