Wow, a gay day. I don't think we have that here yet. I can no longer watch network television because I am simply not interested in all the man on man action. There are even ads for things now where the demographic they are targeting is gays, those are disturbing. You know, AIDS drugs ads.
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Yeah @funbobby51, its not a day ,its a whole month now !! Clearly this is another brick in their brainwashing wall, trying to convince people who are not gay or would ever be to maybe think again and get hip and with it !! Yes its truly sickening and i wish we could somehow stop it ! But like the Muslims , gays and transgenders are the untouchables and so they seeminly think they can now throw their weight around and bore us to tears with their need to " come out" and be seen !!
How dare they exist in public spaces! Oh the horror, the indecency, the depravity!
its not that they exist which is the problem @arcanbarbie, we all know they exist and i said in my post that i have absolutely no problem with that ! But its this overdirve into "gayness" which we see being pushed and i would say forcibly by so many government agencies, think groups and social media web sites ! Its too much really and needs to be questioned ! Which is what i am doing here !!
I know you said that, but then you immediately proceeded to contradict that claim. I agree with the opposition to political agendas used as public mind-control, but if that's the case here then LGBT people are victims of that brainwashing, and you're serving the interests of the agenda by attacking them instead of the source.
Can you please just reread this comment ! So you see then we do agree that this is s seriously pushed agenda and yes made by the Globlaists as you say ! And this is precisely why i chose today to write about this ! Not at all because i hate homosexuals or somethings, becuase i can assure you that this is just not true ! As you state even here that you see that in my post i have nothing personal against homosexuality, but it does piss me off when i see that there is a wave and controlled agenda concerning this subject ! So yes perhaps you are right that this is actually a dangeorus thing for homosexuals that maybe dont even agree with this sudden explosion in homosexualisation of society by forced propganda stlye emissions wheter it be on paper or a screen ! Its the manipulation side of it that i dont like, and i repeat not homsexuals as a group of people that like me have the right to be who they are and say what they want ! But me thinks that there is more an organisation that is behind this and it is this I SEE !
So do you think that all the heterosexual stuff being plastered everywhere is an agenda? How about we just want what you have to see ourselves represented in a society we are part of ! We pay taxes , we pay for your healthcare and your benefits as you do for ours . We deserve the same rights as we carry the same responsibilities. You want a heterosexual holiday ! Go for it ! make one and i will support you! But you will have to make it for yourself as we worked hard to make pride day and month for ourselves ! It was not given to us it was made by a few really courageous people and it spread world wide. Make your parade or stop whining! no one is stopping you , no one wants to stop you ! Celebrate the things you love and stop trying to break down others . Btw you are aware that you are using the same arguments that people used against black people in the public eye a few decades ago ...
I call ABC the All Boy Channel.
they have arrived ))))